Page 74 of Fall of an Empire

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“Oh, that is something I am not familiar with. Bowman didn’t know much, and your elven friend is not overly talkative.”

I laugh. “That sounds like Lacrae.”

“Yes, I find it difficult to get him to speak to me.”

“Don’t take it personally.” I eat a piece of strawberry.

Patrick covers my hand with his. “Have I mentioned how truly sorry I am for everything you’ve been through? I cannot even imagine.”

“You lost your father, so you know something about loss.”

He smiles sadly. “My mother, too, though news hasn’t been released about her just yet.”

“Oh, Patrick.” I shake my head. “I am so sorry.”

“Thank you, Carleah. It means the world to me.” He releases my hand and takes a final bite before pushing his bowl to the side. A servant reaches out and takes it, slipping through a door to the side. “Eat, and let us speak of such things after breakfast. Now, tell me of this prophecy.”

I sigh. “The Daughter of Ice will seek refuge with the Son of Flame, and he will use her for the power she possesses. He will be the one to destroy the realm for he can wake the giants.”

Patrick leans back, eyes wide. “Son of Flame?”

“Apparently, my opposite side,” I say. “My other half.” I use the words spoken to me in a nightmare.

“And he will use you? How? What power?”

“I have no power,” I assure him. “But it is believed that I will help him wake the giants.”

“Giants.” Patrick shakes his head. “You’re telling me that they’re real, too?”

“I wish I wasn’t,” I reply. “But they are.”

“Do you know who this Son of Flame is?”

“No,” I tell him truthfully. “Though he visits me in nightmares sometimes.”

“Nightmares?” he questions. “Another reason you are not sleeping, perhaps?”


“If you need to talk about them, I hope you know I’m here.” He doesn’t press, something I am incredibly grateful for.

“Can I ask you a question?”


“Do you believe I have reason to want to fight in this war?”

Patrick considers, leaning back in his chair. “Are you asking me if I think you should sit back as a woman typically does and let soldiers fight for you?”

“Yes. That is exactly what I am asking.”

Patrick considers. “You lost your entire family. Your home. Friends. Other loved ones…so if I were you? I would want to be on the front lines making those who stole them from me pay in blood. Who would I be to tell you that you could not wield a blade in that fight?”

Validation sings through me. “Thank you. You have no idea how grateful I am to hear you say that.”

“Of course.” He stands. “Now, I have some things to tend to, but I would love to eat dinner together if that is all right?”

“It is,” I say. “My brother will return today?”
