Page 36 of Fall of an Empire

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Driving me mad with desire.

My hands fumble with his belt, and it falls to the ground. I grip the bottom of his tunic and tug it up. He steps back long enough to finish pulling it over his head then crushes his lips to mine. My breasts press against his chest as he devours my mouth.

All while my hands pull at the laces of his pants, loosening them enough to free him. Fort steps back before I succeed, though. He steps out of his boots, so I do the same, discarding them as we both free ourselves from all barriers between us.

“So damned perfect, Carleah.”

“You say that every time.”

“Because I am still in awe that someone so pure like you would want a tainted soul like mine.”

I cross over to him, cupping the back of his neck with one hand and stretching up on my tip toes to get closer to his face. “There is not a single part of you that is tainted, Fort. And I will love you until you believe me.” I kiss him so deeply that when he lifts me into his arms, I think nothing of it. That is until water sloshes around me. I pull back and squeal as the cold freezes me to the bone.

But Fort just continues grinning like an idiot until he sets me down and I’m up to my neck, my toes in the sand beneath us. Then, he kisses me like I’m the breath in his lungs. Fort’s hands are rough on my hips as he lifts me, settling me on his hard length.

I slide down on top of him, legs wrapping around his waist as he fills me so perfectly. My head falls back, pleasure consuming me, as he lifts and slides me back down. Over and over again, until the release building within me shatters.

My toes curl as I come undone in his hands. As soon as the last wave of pleasure dies down, Fort lifts and carries me onto the embankment, lying back on the grassy ground. “Sit on my face,” he orders.

I obey, a moth unable to deny her flame. Straddling his face, I bury my hands in my hair as his tongue drives deep inside of me. He strokes my clit, each caress a bolt of lightning straight through my body.

Everything about this moment consumes me.

From the sound of the water mixing with the heaviness of our breaths and the thundering of our hearts.

To the way he feels as he pleasures my body.

I come undone again, shattering, and he draws out every moment before rolling me onto my back and driving into me again. I’m still in the midst of my release as he slams into me, harder, faster, driving me to the brink of sanity yet again.

And when I reach that crest for the third time, he falls with me.

Both of us plunging into a dream-filled reality where it’s just him and me.

* * *

Fort is sound asleep beside me as I stare out over the water. Dressed and ready to leave at first light, I let my mind drift over our plan going forward. We’re at least a week away from the Dead Man’s Land—and there’s no telling how long it will be before we find the entrance to the dwarven caves.

It could be another week.

Possibly longer.

I stare off in the direction of the Phantom that borders Navalis. I cannot see it from here, but I can imagine it—the swirling mist that should have kept the Tenebris from invading my home and destroying everything I love.

I imagine what our home must look like, with our thinks ransacked, bodies still left to be picked clean by scavengers.

Does my mother’s portrait still hang on the wall?

My father’s?

The one of me and my brothers?


Did they throw out her written recipe cards? The ones she’d had handed down to her by her mother? What about all of Father’s books? Do they still line the shelves? I imagine Ethan’s journals piled beneath his bed, covered in dust and dirt.

Grief sneaks its ugly head into my consciousness, and emotion tightens my throat. I shove it back down and focus instead on the way the water moves, soft waves bringing it into shore and pulling it back out. So many memories were created in those halls, and knowing they are being walked by our enemy is a cruel violation.

Navalis will stand again. It will shine with all the love that once resided in those halls.
