Page 96 of The Villain

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"I want you, Drake. I even wanted you when I met you officially and I was irritated. The first day you walked into the office, you were so commanding, and the way you would look at me made me feel like I was naked all the time. It was raw, and terrifying, and alluring, and intoxicating. You were also infuriating and frustrating, but God, did I want you."

Hearing her say she wanted me was definitely not helping me make the right decision. Because I could think of all the ways I wanted her, and it was more than her body. Her scent was wrapping around me like the vines of a deadly plant. Enticing, alluring. Beautiful. But once you were caught in the trap, there was no escape. It was already almost too late. I needed to do this. I needed to make it fast and decisive. But she took one more step, and I was lost.

She kept talking. "I love you, Drake. I've never felt this alive in my entire life. And sure, you did kidnap me, handcuff me, and chase me through the woods, but you've never hurt me. You've done your best to keep me safe. And I really want to try it with you. I want everything with you. Not just the words. The actions. I can almost feel you running away from me, and I don't want you to. I want you to talk to me. I want this to be real." She placed a hand on my chest then, and I knew she could feel my heartbeat racing.

I was a goner for this woman from the moment I saw her. "The day I walked into your office and you met my gaze and gave me that smile with those dimples, I knew I was keeping you."

She stood on her tiptoes, looping one arm around me, lifting her head and kissing me. Her tongue peeked out to lick my bottom lip, and I groaned low. My hands automatically slid down her back to her arse, picking her up so she would wrap her legs around me.

I held her steady, making sure that she tucked her injured shoulder into me as I deepened the kiss automatically, angling my head to get more of her, to lick into her mouth, to make her moan. All the while grasping her arse and dragging her pussy over the length of my cock.

Daphne owned me. I might have been the one who thought I was taking her. But with every passing day, she was locking me to her. She was the dangerous one.

The kiss grew more passionate, stealing all the air from my lungs. I couldn't breathe. My heart raced faster than ever before, and my stomach tightened with need.

I loved kissing her. Loved the way she sucked at my lips, the way she opened her mouth to mine. I loved how alive she made me feel. But always, I loved how she made me want to be a better man.

To be worthy of her.

I maneuvered her to the bedroom and eased her on the bed, telling myself that this was just a bit of snogging. That these kisses would need to last me a lifetime.

But even as I did my best to keep my hands in her hair and not her tits or her arse, or even more disastrously, her pussy, she reached for my cock and I couldn't bloody breathe.

"Fuck, I'm hurting here." I bent to kiss her neck. She stroked me through my cargos and I knew I didn't have any kind of strength to resist.

I knew what she was doing. Proving that I ached for her. Well it wasn't a secret. "Daphne. You know how much I need you. We—"

"Shhh. It's my turn to do the talking now, Drake."

She unzipped the cargos, reaching in and wrapping her hand around the length of my cock and God help me I considered passing out.

She knew exactly how tight to hold me. How I wanted it. How I liked it. Blood rushed between my ears, and I had no idea why I'd ever thought that this was the wrong thing to do.

"Fuck, Daphne," I whispered, trying to put a stop to what she was doing, but instead of releasing me, she squeezed. My jaw clenched, my stomach tightened, my shoulders tensed, and that's when she started to slide my erection through her fingers. I fell back onto the bed trying to seize back my sanity, but she stole it the moment she pulled my cock out and wrapped those oh-so-sinful lips around me.

"Daphne." I groaned, fisting my hand in her hair, unable to decide if I was pulling her off or holding her on.

She drew me deeper until she choked and her eyes watered. Bloody hell, watching her take every damn inch was the hottest thing I'd ever seen in my life.

Her hand wrapped around my base, she looked up and our eyes met. She pumped me twice, and then she was back at my head, her eyes never leaving mine as she sucked me deep.

"Daphne." I groaned again, not able to control myself.

My free hand gripped the sheets, my eyes squeezing shut as her head bobbed up and down, her lips sucking hard and a she smiled around me. She knew she was in control, and she was loving it.

The muscles in my legs tensed. My mind blanked. All the reasons why I shouldn't do this left me and all that remained was Daphne. It was Daphne's mouth on me. Daphne's hand.

The electricity wound around my spine as Daphne drew my cock out until the tip of my erection was in her hand. She swirled her tongue over the head, and then she took me into her mouth again, swallowing me over and over, taking me deeper than I thought she could.

Fuck me.

I felt my cock swell and dig into the back of her throat. My balls tightened and the last thing I remembered was calling her name when I exploded down her throat. My hands fisted tight as I held her in place and I fucked her mouth with short digging strokes while she obliterated me.

"Shit. Shit. Daphne," I panted.

She sat back with a satisfied smug smile, but she'd broken cardinal rule number one. She came first. She really should know better. Lucky for both of us that my cock was nowhere near done with her.

I had a compulsive need to watch her as she came apart around me.
