Page 74 of The Villain

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"Bullshit. You."

He crossed his arms. "No."

I narrowed my gaze. "Fuck you."

He flashed a grin. "Age before beauty."

"I'll remember this."

"Yeah, remember that I came to cover your arse."

"I don't owe you a favor for this. I could have done this on my own."

"You could have. But it's not wise to do so. You're not a lone wolf. Face it, we’re family. Like it or not."

“No. Don’t like it.”

Gabe just smirked.

Once I was on the ground, I discovered Gabe was right behind me. And then he jostled the rope and it released. The only evidence that we had been there was the big gaping hole in the window.

Once we had our bags packed, we all ran to the end of the alley where a nondescript gray van waited. A smiling Westin St. James opened the side door. Westin was another Rogues agent I’d worked with before.

I gave him a nod in greeting. As far as most Rogues were concerned, I was the villain of their story. I was the bad guy. They thought I was locked up in a black site because of my involvement with The Syndicate. Gabe had known I was a deep cover agent for years. His wife had found out after I’d helped rescue them from a spot of trouble earlier in the year. As for Westin, he was the Rogues best hacker. But he thought I was one of the bad guys.

Westin cocked his head. "I have so many questions.”

I shrugged. "Ask your boss."

He shook his head, "I fucking knew something was off. So let me guess. Not the devil incarnate after all."

I shrugged. "Yes, well, can we go now?"

As they drove me to my car, Gabe studied me. "You know we need that ledger you took from the vault."

"And as soon as I'm done with it, you can have it." If I was willing to fight dirty, I could take all of them. I’d rather not, but I could do it. He wasn’t leaving here with it. I was.

Studying my face, Gabe sighed. "I guess there’s no point in telling you not to go down this path?"

I shook my head. "No. No point at all."

Westin cocked his head. "You're going to need help with those files."

"If I need help, I'll call you."

The muscle in his jaw twitched. "Okay, then."

When we reached my car, I climbed out. "Thanks for the assistance that I didn't need."

Gabe shrugged. "Just a heads up, I talked to Igno Senior. He doesn't know what the hell his son is up to. He's very angry that the kid hasn't tried to spring him. So, like we suspected, Massimo has gone rogue, which means he's either trying to work his way up in the Syndicate, or he's the one taking them out."

"Noted. Thanks for the assistance."


And in less than two hours, I was on my way back home to Daphne.

I was almost there when a text from an unknown number came through.
