Page 69 of The Villain

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For now, my job was to keep her off the board. If Igno wanted something from any of her three suspicious clients, one thing was for sure; he would need Daphne to access the data.

My job was to get to the data before he did. That would certainly force him out into the open. And then I was going to take that motherfucker out and get my goddamn job back.

The problem was that singular focus of mine was now blurred and laced with images of Daphne, of needing to keep her out of this. I had to keep her safe.

This wasn't just about getting back in the game. This wasn't about taking down the Syndicate. This was about keeping her away from Igno. For her safety.

Careful now.

I wanted her. Even now, as Gabe read me the riot act over the phone, my eyes drifted to her and that pull somewhere deep in my chest ached with the need to be near her. To hold her close and use my body to shield hers.

The urge to protect her, to hold her, to cover her body with mine, not just to claim, but to protect. It was more than wanting her. Terrifyingly, it was the urge to give her everything that prevailed. All she had to do was ask.

Gabe's voice was tense. "Running off without any backup. Do you realize how colossally stupid that is?”

"Yeah, I have an idea. After all, I feel like I've given you that advice before."

"This is not about me. This is about you. I told you to lay low. Instead, you're running around stirring up a hornet's nest. You're going after Igno."

I almost had to grin. "Did you really expect anything else? He ruined my life. Not to mention he's dangerous. You and I both know him to be weak and ineffective. But you don't understand. I saw his men kill a young girl for no reason. He had his men gut her like a fish to send a message to her father. There are rules to these games."

Sure, family got kidnapped. Family got murdered sometimes but usually for a reason. Not on a whim. Not because someone was bored.

“Mate, look, I know. But you going after him alone is unwise. I've had Rook check your movements. You've gone off the grid. Where are you?"

There was no way I was going to give him my location. "Somewhere safe."

I could almost see him pursing his lips. “So, you're with Reginald. For an old man who says he's out of the game, he finds a way to stay in and keep his skills fresh. Even my people can't find him."

"And I'm pretty sure that's the way he wants it," I muttered. "I'm not telling you anything, so you might as well let it go."

"Fucking hell. At least tell me if you have a good lead. I can help you."

I could tell him that much. At least he would know that I wasn't doing this for nothing, that this wasn't just about revenge. "I have a lead on the last piece of the Ledger and the secondary cipher. I think I have it."

There was a muttered curse on the phone, and I could almost see him sitting up straighter. Maybe standing up to pace. "Where the hell is it?"

I chuckled at that. “Like I'm going to tell you, so you can sweep in and take it from me before I can actually use it. Don't be daft. When I'm done with it, I'm more than happy to turn it over. After all, I'll be back in the fold by then."

"Don't fuck with me, Drake. We can help each other."

"I don't need your help."

He sighed. "Everybody needs help from time to time. You're not alone, mate."

I looked back at Daphne. "Maybe not, but either way, I'm not letting you touch this until it's over."

"At least tell me what you're doing with the woman. I can't find her either."

My stomach tightened. Gabe knew about Daphne. Had he been that close and I just hadn't noticed?

"Nothing. The woman is none of your business, Gabe. Leave her out of this, or I'm going to get very, very cranky. I'm going to hang up while I still remember that we're mates. But if you get in my way, I'll shoot first and ask questions later.



My days were numbered, and I was counting down. My brain kept trying to go back to Daphne even though I had a mission to complete.
