Page 67 of The Villain

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"Right. Deep cover, fraternizing with the enemy to take them down?"

I didn't like his line of questioning. “I’m good at it.”

“Boy look me in the eye and tell me you don’t feel something for that woman upstairs. I know you.”

I did. And the idea of leaving her was already burning a hole in my chest. And I didn't like that.

"It's better for her if I stay away."

"I'm pretty sure I didn't raise an idiot. I have several distinctions of yours proving that I didn't raise an idiot, but here you are, being an idiot."

"What am I supposed to do, Reginald? If she stays with me, she’ll get hurt."

"It doesn't have to be like that."

"I'm keeping her safe. Right now, the safest place she can be is with me. But when that's resolved, she needs to stay very, very far away."

"Sure, boy, if you say so. But she's a grown woman who can decide that for herself. Don't you go making decisions for her."

Daphne’s footsteps coming down the stairs stopped our conversation. She had a wide smile for Reginald and a shyer one for me. Considering the way I’d made her come repeatedly, the shy smile was unnecessary.

Tread carefully. You don’t get to keep her. What the fuck was that? Keeping her? Having one person in your life you worried about as bad enough. And Reggie could look after himself. I didn’t need that pain and hassle. What the hell was wrong with me?

When this was all over, I was going back into the field.

She was wearing a soft sweater in that beautiful marigold color. She’d paired it with jeans, her hair held up in a high puff, a few curls cascading around her face. "I knew I smelled bacon." She hesitated. "Good morning, Reginald. You're up early."

He nodded. "Good morning, love. It was a lovely morning, so I woke up early and went for a walk down to the forest. I picked some truffles."

She moaned with delight. "Truffles, wow."

"I'm thinking of making some truffle chicken for dinner tonight."

Her stomach grumbled. "Ugh, Reginald, you are talking to my stomach now."

"I love a girl who likes to eat. I didn't make breakfast this morning, but I think you can make do with what he's making."

"Hey, you taught me to cook," I grumbled. For some reason it felt important that Daphne knew I had other skills besides fucking and killing.

But you’re so very good at both.

"Sure, I did. I still have yet to see you make a simple dinner since you've been here."

"Old man, you're constantly busting my balls."

Daphne gave me a shy smile as she went to the cabinets to pull down the plates. "Thanks for breakfast."

I grinned at her while Reginald studiously made himself busy pouring another cup of coffee. I leaned down and brushed my lips over hers. I’d meant it to be quick. Light. But the moment out lips touched, I wanted more.

Her eyes went wide as her gaze darted to Reginald, and then I very purposely pulled her into my hips, looped a thumb through her jeans, and pulled her close.

"I'm not letting you hide." Then I kissed her fully. Tongue and everything. Her body eased against mine immediately. And that craving, that hole in my heart that had been a constant companion for too many years, once again started to fill. It was so easy with her.

Reginald cleared his throat, and I released her slowly.

There was no way he was ever letting me forget this.
