Page 56 of The Villain

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I didn’t lock the bedroom door. Matter of fact, I left it wide open. And Daphne, walked right through it.

I expected nothing less. After all, she was back to herself, not that scary shell of a woman who couldn't move when I took her out of the boot. My relief that she seemed to have recovered from our misadventure last night, was palpable.

She looked more like herself now. Freshly showered, curls dried, face devoid of makeup. She was stunning though. She didn't need it.

"I'm shocked you didn't try the front door."

She grinned at me and then at Reginald. "Who's to say I didn't?"

Reginald clapped and hooted. “Ah, I’ve gotta tell you, boy, I like this one. She gives you a run for your money.”

I frowned at him. "Whose side are you on?"


"Thank you for letting me eat down here." She cleared her throat. “And for what it’s worth, I didn’t try the door. I’m not running anymore. I know I need to be here.”

The way she said it let me know she was honest about her thank you.

"You're going to eat down here from now on."


My skin flushed under the intensity of Drake’s gaze. My brain oh so helpfully offered up the image of him in the tub behind me.

I lifted my brows. "So, what's for dinner tonight?"

"Well, shockingly,” Reginald said, “We have some cornbread.”

Drake wrinkled his nose. “What is your obsession with cornbread?”

"What? You don't like it?" I gasped. "It's delicious."

Drake shook his head. "It's sweet bread. Who wants sweet bread?"

Reginald just rolled his eyes. "This boy can eat field rations every day for months on end. But should I try and feed him anything from America, and the way he'll squinch his face is so funny. Look at him."

"That's not true,” Drake said. “I like chili."

I had to laugh at that. "It smells amazing. Can I help with anything?"

Reginald shook his head. "Nah, lass. You're a guest."

"I should do something, shouldn't I?"

Reginald scoffed. "I like having someone to wait on. And it will be nice if you eat downstairs with me."

"Just you?"

Drake frowned. "I need to go to the city and keep an eye on Massimo."

I scowled thinking about him. "Can I help in any way? Because the more I think about what he was trying to do to me, the more I want to poke him in the eyeball with something sharp."

Drake laughed. "Same sentiment."
