Page 53 of The Villain

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I could feel the truth of it all. If I just chose to trust him, everything I needed would be right there at my fingertips. Help for Gran. And I could go home. Hell, I might even be out of here in time for Willow’s wedding.

It was a tempting offer. But I still needed to know one thing.

"If any of these things you say are true, who you are, who he is, how does this end?"

“With you back to your life and Massimo captured.”

“And if he hurts me? Or worse?”

“Then I will not rest until his head is on a spike.”

Reginald was right. Given the lengths Drake would go to protect me, I might be in the only place on earth that was safe.



She really didn’t know anything. After all this.

I was wrong.

If you just let her go home…

It was tempting. She wasn’t an asset. But, she could still be useful…as bait.

I was so focused on a recalibration, it took me a moment to see that she winced slightly. I frowned, easing up. "Sorry, that was too hard."

"I probably have tangles."

Actually, her hair was really soft. I'd managed to wash it and was working the conditioner through with my fingers, but I was going to need to use the brush, and the angle was not ideal. Her hair was too long. "Um, with the angle, I need you sitting upright more to detangle it."

She frowned. "I think I can, but I'll have to put my feet in the water."

I winced at the bandages. "No. I'll get in and prop you up."

She went perfectly stock-still.

"I'm not going to touch you."

Though my cock was not in on that thought, because he very much wanted me to put my hands all the fuck over her. And not in a friendly get-her-cleaned-up sort of situation.

"Um, maybe I can manage?"

“I’ve already told you. I’m looking after you now. Things will go easier for you if you just allow it. Just scooch forward. I'll get in behind you."

I unzipped my jeans, and she whipped her head toward me.

"What are you doing?"

Instead of answering, I dropped my jeans, tossing them aside before slipping into the bathtub behind her. I left my boxer briefs on, and she whipped back around immediately. There was zero hiding that I was hard, but I hoped she would ignore it just like I was trying to do.

I climbed in behind her and some water sloshed out onto the floor, but there was plenty of room for me. "Okay, sit back."

"What?" she squeaked.

"You have to sit back, so you're supported while I detangle."

"Um, okay."
