Page 5 of The Villain

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I frowned, working this information through my mind. "What connection does she have to anything?"

"I can't see any connection. It's possible he just wants to shag her."

"So you're saying she's an innocent?" I found that hard to believe. Everything the Igno's touched was radioactive. If Massimo was interested in her, then she was connected to all of this.

Liam muttered, "It looks that way."

"What did she do to get on his radar?"

"Just giving you the information as I see it."

He had to be missing something.

Didn’t you say he was the best? If Liam can't find anything, then maybe there isn't anything to find.

"All right, anything else?"

"No. And for what it's worth, whatever you're planning, Reina won't like it."

"I don't care what Reina likes. I want back in."

"All right, if you want back in, you've got to come up with something good on Igno. Otherwise forget it. Get yourself a nice tractor, spend a few hours on the weekend pushing around the grass, you know, something like that. Maybe get a girlfriend, or a nice lad. Because if you fail, there is no coming back."

I didn't plan on failing. "No. I belong in the field."

"If you say so. All I know is some people would beg for normalcy. No more ghosts and shit."

"Well, I'm not most people. I need to be back in the field."

"Fine. Figure out what Massimo wants with this woman then. She probably holds the key."

"Send over her details, yeah?"

"What are you going to do?"

"If Massimo Igno wants her, I have to make sure he never gets her."



Daphne Winslow was not what I expected.

She was hardly a sophisticated asset. Hell, she couldn’t even bungee jump. So what did Massimo want with her?

I pinched the bridge of my nose and kept my gaze on her as she sat in her car. I knew far too much about her life right now. I'd followed her and the piece of shit that was her boyfriend. Did she even know he was cheating on her?

Didn't look that way. And she seemed genuinely surprised when he broke up with her right before he abandoned her and jumped himself.


There was no one there for her. Didn’t people like her always have someone?

Not that I cared one way or the other. I just needed to know who to clear out of my path.

I’d been watching her. I knew what she liked to eat. I knew who her friends were. I knew every nervous tick, every smile. I knew everything about her, including the way she belted Beyoncé and Imagine Dragons songs in her car. Sadly, I also knew she was completely tone deaf.

But she liked to sing in the car like she was giving a full-fledged concert. Car dancing included.
