Page 43 of The Villain

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Shut it.

I was not losing to my dick today. Nope, I was not thinking about that right now.

Up ahead, she fell again and used her arms to break her fall, crying out in pain as I chased her down.

Ten feet, five feet. She took a sharp left, and I ran right past her. When I came back for her, she stuck out her leg, causing me to trip and tumble right back down the ravine.

She was running again.

Oh, for fuck's sake. One woman. So much goddamn trouble.

"Daphne, I'm not fucking around."

"Fuck yourself then."

Despite myself, a chuckle escaped.

I liked her spunk. She really did not give up. And fucking hell, if that wasn't the sexiest thing I'd ever seen in my life, I didn't know what was. I was up on the path and after her in seconds. And this time, I could see she was definitely favoring that leg. She was almost at the road.


With fifteen feet more to go to hit the pavement of the main road, I wrapped an arm around her waist and hauled her up.



I was done. My big rebellion was over.

Before I could even get a scream out, his hand clamped over my mouth. "Where do you think you're going?"

I struggled in his arms, and he held me against him tight. "I swear to fucking God, if you do not stop moving, you will hurt yourself."

Not only did that make me move more, but it also made me do head strikes and groin strikes with my hands.

And that's when he flipped me around like I was a rag doll and threw me over his shoulder, carrying me back the other way.

I whacked against his back and his arse.

But all he did was chuckle. "I kind of like you spanking me."

I tried kicking my legs, but he had such a strong lock on them I couldn't move.

He tsked as he carried me back. "What am I going to do with you? Do you care to explain to me how the hell you broke out of your cuffs?"

"Do you care to explain to me how you became such an arsehole?"

He chuckled. "Well, I see you're just a spicy kitty."

"Fuck you."

"Oh, that mouth. I know you think you're insulting me or hurting me, but it's making me hot. I like a spicy kitty."

I shut my mouth then, because what if he did like that? Fuck. I was never getting away from him. I was going to die here. No one was ever going to find me. There would be pieces of me in fucking Reginald's goddamn freezer, where he kept the extra meat.

I frowned thinking about the oxtail soup. Was that…?

No. No, that was oxtail. I had eaten enough oxtails in my life to know what oxtail tasted like, but fuck me.
