Page 33 of The Villain

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I growled, thrusting back in, harder this time.

"Fuck. Fuck."

I pulled out, only to thrust back in.

"Harder," she begged, her eyes half closed, her cheeks flushed.

"You want it harder, Daphne?"

"Yes. God yes."

"Then you better beg."


I applied more pressure to her throat and thrust harder.


I used my other hand to hold her hips down, and drove into her body, giving her everything I had. Her pussy clamped down on me, milking me for everything she could get. I was so close.


I was so close to the edge. All I needed was for her to moan my name. My cock jerked in my fist as I imagined her saying my name in that throaty voice of hers. Just one more thrust.

"Drake," she cried as her pussy convulsed around me.

I was there. And my name on her lips tipped me over the edge. With a groan, I came, burying my length into her, my hips jerking involuntarily.

The sound of my name on her lips echoed in my ears.

I groaned, imagining her taste and how sweet she'd be. My hand moved faster, my hips bucking up. I could feel my orgasm twisting deep inside me, the power coiling tight, ready to spring free. Unable to help myself, a low moan escaped my lips.

My hand tightened around my cock, stroking harder, faster. I bucked one last time, coming hard, my cum spilling across my stomach.

A full shudder wracked my body, and my beath tore out in sharp pants. My heart was in full gallop.

While I lay there panting for several long minutes, trying to catch my breath. My cock attempted to stir back to life. Despite coming so hard I'd almost blacked out, it wasn't enough.

My cock wouldn't be satisfied until I had her for real.



I’d slept very fitfully, the fear, terror, and adrenaline robbing me of sleep. I'd spent most of the night thrashing around on the mattress, swearing I could hear Drake breathing outside my door.

When the sun was up, Reginald brought me breakfast, and I ate maybe the fluffiest scrambled eggs I'd ever had in my life. And bacon. God, the bacon had been to die for.

Then he left me with movies playing on the television and a little buzzer that I could use my foot to press if I needed to call Reginald. God, what the fuck had happened to my dignity?

Well, you were kidnapped.

And I had to focus on getting out of here.

Willow was counting on me.
