Page 31 of The Villain

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His entire weight lifted off me, as he dragged me back to standing. "Are we done?" His voice rough-hewn and raw.

That unwanted pulsing between my thighs only intensified. "Yes."

As he shoved me toward the bedroom, I was terrified, I'd just blown my one and only shot for escape.


Getting Daphne settled had taken longer than expected. The old man looked fucking smug when I finally came downstairs again. “Could you please not?”

He shrugged. “I didn’t say a bloody word.”

Maybe he hadn’t said anything, but, his eyes had said so much. Everything about his body said I told you so.

I glowered at him. “If you have something to say, just say it.”

“Who me?”

I shoved by him, heading for the kitchen. I'd been forced to put Daphne in another room for now. I’d already cleared out anything that could potentially be dangerous, including the toilet paper holder. And the bed was on a platform, one of the low ones with a very modern design. She’d already proven far too resourceful. I wasn’t taking any chances.

“Can you keep her safe when I’m not here?” I asked.

“Always. I don’t agree with you, but like I said, no one gets in. And for her own safety, for now, she does not get out.”

I nodded at the old man. “Okay, I’m headed back to the city for a meeting in the morning.”

He nodded solemnly. “Are you armed. Do you have fresh ammo? You can stock up before you go.” He pushed past me, heading for the shed in the back. It looked like a regular garden shed on the outside, but I knew well that it had a subterranean level that could double as a bomb shelter. And it was armed to the teeth.

I followed him automatically, neither of us speaking until we were in the shed.

“She hurt you?” Reginald asked.

I glanced down at my leg and shrugged it off. “What’s the matter, old man? You worried about me?”

He smirked. “You’re still just Drakie to me, boy. A pain in the arse but still lovable. The thing you’re doing with this girl, though. I worry.”

I rubbed at the back of my neck where the tension had knotted. “I know. I’m still looking for the connection. I have full intentions of taking her back.”


I couldn’t tell him that the more she fought me, the more I was inclined to keep her. The stronger she was, the more a little part of me admired her strength.

“You had better. This thing you’re doing… You’re flirting with a line you can’t come back from once you cross it.”

At this point, knowing she was upstairs in bed, there was a part of me that didn't want to come back from that edge.



The dream always started the same way. With me at that iconic bench trying to warn Saffron Abbott. Trying to tell her without blowing my cover what was coming for her if her parents came to visit.

For the Syndicate, for Massimo’s father, Antonio Igno, taking out the Abbotts was a coup. They were the heads of a secret group of spies that had been the bane of the Syndicate's existence for over a decade.

I could almost feel the sunshine on my skin, feel the breeze. I could see the red in Saff's braid's picking up the sunlight.

And then came the dread like instantaneous storm clouds.

The stinging burn of the bomb blast at the airport.
