Page 16 of The Villain

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She shook her head and took a sip of her drink. “Explain, please. So you meet this bloke on your night out with Talia? Then he what? Followed you? God I’m glad I’m about to be off the market.”

I shook my head and took a delicate sip of my drink. “No. He knew who I was already at the bar.”

Willow’s mouth dropped open. “So he knew he was going to be a client and kissed you anyway?”

I knew it sounded ridiculous. “Pretty much.”

“But how is that even legal or whatever?”

“I don’t think it’s illegal to kiss women you might know. I did consent to the kiss. But I’ll tell you, it’s not fair. That’s for damn sure.”

"Okay, so wait, now he wants you to go with him to Barcelona?" Willow asked.

"Yes! It was sprung on me Monday. As if I’d drop my whole life at a moment’s notice. That’s total bullshit. But ever since I worked for Alana, it's in my contract that I don't travel at the drop of a hat, not for any client. I need two-week’s notice, so I'm being generous by saying I'll go this Monday when I return. Besides, we had this weekend planned and I wasn’t going to miss sister time and wedding duties. Not even for a man who kisses like he got a degree in seduction."

Willow pursed her lips.

I knew that look well. "What's the problem?”

She lifted her brows and shook her head, acting as if she had no idea what I was talking about.

"Spill it. Obviously, you have something to say.”

“Nothing. Just that I want you to be careful. Blokes like this seem exciting but, honestly you need a nice normal average bloke. Stability you know. That’s more your speed. You should let us set you up.”

I knew my sister loved me. But how did I tell her that while that might be what she wanted, the idea of getting a carbon copy of my future brother-in-law made me want to yawn.

Willow gathered her bone-straight locks and piled them high overhead. My sister looks like me, but more like Brown Barbie version of me with pin straight hair and perfect make up. I usually wore my hair natural or in braids. But she religiously rocked her relaxer and if she went out without full lashes on, she would moan all day about how ugly she felt.

“Thanks but no thanks. I think I’ll let the Christopher thing settle a bit first.”

"Okay, if you say so but quick question… Do you want to kiss him again? Your client," Willow asked, just as I was taking a sip.

Vodka I had just swallowed came right back up, burning its way out of my nose. "What do you mean, do I want to kiss him again?"

"It's a straightforward question. Do you want to kiss that fine man again?"

"No," I lied. "He's an arsehole. He knew who I was and knowing full well he was becoming a client the next day. And never mind if he's good or if he does this thing with his tongue, teases you into chasing him. And just when you think you're the pursuer, he turns the kiss and deepens it. It becomes a whole body experience. Lord, that man made me curl my toes, but that is not the point. I won't be doing that again because he knew who I was and then walked into my office like, ‘surprise!’ And then he tried to force me into doing what he wanted."

Willow gave me a knowing look and I schooled my expression. "I hate that part the most. It's beyond cocky. That's full-on I'm-an-alpha-arsehole territory."

"But what if we just banged him?" Willow asked.

"We don't shag clients, remember?" I shook my head at her.

"We don't?" She feigned surprise.

I blinked at her slowly.

"Okay, fine. We don't shag clients. Although, I think that rule needs relaxing. At least for a bit of fun on the side before settling down.”

“Why he even asked for me directly is beyond me."

Willow grabbed a pillow, launching it at my head, and I barely managed to duck it. "Hey! You are my sister. Brilliant. Magnificent. You need to believe it."

"I know, I'm very good at my job."

"No, you don't know, because he wanted you specifically for this project. So that’s something."
