Page 102 of The Villain

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As I walked away from the bungalow, I knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, filled with danger and heartache. But I would face it head on, fueled by the love I felt for Daphne and the promise of a better future for her, even if it was one I couldn't be a part of.


A week later, the Rogues team had everything in place. The air was heavy and charged with electricity as we all cast our eyes to the huge monitor in the control room. The lights from the city seemed brighter and more alive than usual as the storm brewed outside.

On the screen in front of us were satellite images and blueprints of Massimo's villa in Italy, which we had been studying for days. It was time to put an end to this, once and for all.

"We need to end this for her," I told Gabe, my voice low and determined. "Whatever it takes, Massimo goes down."

Gabe nodded solemnly, understanding exactly what I meant. But Saff, now in charge of the Rogues, wasn't about to let me off the hook so easily. She crossed her arms, her gaze piercing as she regarded me.

"You know this isn't going to be easy," she said firmly. "The island compound is heavily defended, and our intel suggests he’s expecting us. We need a plan that will get us in and out without being detected."

Gabe nodded in agreement, and Saff let out a long sigh then started mapping out the details of our plan. In addition, we would establish multiple safe houses around the area in case things went south during the exchange.

We discussed every angle and detail, ensuring we had accounted for every possibility before finally agreeing on our course of action. Now, all that was left was to execute it perfectly – or risk failing against one of the world’s most powerful criminals.

We all looked at each other in the silence of the control room. I knew that if I said yes, it meant we would be going after him without Daphne.

Firmly, I said, "This is our best chance of apprehending Massimo and wiping out the Syndicate once and for all."

The truth was, I was terrified of what would happen if I didn't let Daphne in on this plan. But the idea of putting her in danger again, of seeing her hurt, was too much to bear. I had made my decision. I would keep her safe, even if it meant going through this alone.

Lachlan chimed in, his voice calm and steady. "All right, we've got the fake ledger ready. We need to find a way to make Massimo think he's getting the real deal."

Gabe grinned, his eyes glinting with mischief. "Leave that to me. I've got a few tricks up my sleeve that'll make him believe he's hit the jackpot."

Saff nodded, her expression serious. "Once we have him, we need to make sure he can't escape. He's slippery, and we can't afford any mistakes."

We spent hours poring over the details of our plan, refining every aspect to ensure it was foolproof. We knew we only had one shot at this, and we couldn't afford to fail. The stakes were too high, not just for Daphne, but for all of us.

As the night wore on, the storm outside intensified, and lightning illuminated the room in brief, brilliant flashes. The tension in the air was palpable, each of us acutely aware of the danger we were about to face.

Finally, Saff stood up, signaling the end of our planning session. "All right, team. We've got our plan. Now it's time to execute it. Remember, this isn't just about taking down Massimo. It's about protecting the people we care about and ensuring that they can live their lives without fear."

I nodded, my resolve steeling itself. "Let's finish this.”



I knew this was coming. Still, I was foolish enough to think maybe, just maybe, I could change the inevitable. That I could put this off. He was leaving. After everything, he was leaving me. Walking away. I'd thought if we could just connect and he could feel that I was okay, that I was still here, he wouldn't leave. But that was just wishful thinking.

I watched as he packed his bags, folding each shirt with precise movements. His back was rigid, his face stoic. He didn't look at me or say a word. The silence was overwhelming, suffocating. I wanted to scream, to beg him to stay, to tell him how much I needed him. But my voice was caught in my throat, my body frozen. All I could do was watch.

As he finished packing, he turned to me. His gaze was cold, emotionless. My heart sank. I knew what was coming next.

When he met my gaze with those eyes that had seen more of the world than I could ever imagine, I saw unshed tears there. And it wasn't the wonders of the world he'd seen, but the dark, dangerous underbelly most people didn't even know existed. He'd barreled into my life, bringing the shadows with him.

But then the unexpected had happened. Together we'd created a place devoid of shadows.

"I need to go. You'll be safe here. Reginald will make sure you are safe . If something goes wrong, he'll keep you protected."

My heart was cracking in two. Why couldn't he see that? The gentle glow from the dimmed lights softened his rugged features. God, he looked good. Annoyingly good. “So you're just making this choice. You are deciding for me because you think I can't possibly choose for myself.”

He sighed. “Don't do this Daphne. You know why I have to do this.”

"I thought you said I was yours," I whispered, trying to keep the tremor out of my voice.
