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Colleen flips around, shoots Kyle a confused look, her sniffling and sobbing suddenly forgotten. "And what could you possibly be teaching Jenny?"

Her Grandma is in the hospital! I silently yell at him from behind Colleen. Be nice!

Kyle cocks an amused eyebrow. "How to give a decent blow job."

My mouth drops open in shock and my heart stops beating in my chest because the vulgar, untrue words spewing from his mouth are...filthy.

Colleen places a hand on her tiny waist, intrigued. "Yeah? How is she doing?"

I run an angry hand through my hair. He is so going to pay for this. Stop it! I mouth to Kyle.

"Best I've ever had," he winks at me.

Colleen gasps in surprise, flips around to face me. I offer her a tight-lipped smile.

"Who knew you were such a slut, Jenny Kearns," she coos in admiration.

"That's me," I shake my head, mentally chiding myself when the words leave my mouth. "A slut who likes to suck Kyle's...dick."

"Let's get to it then," Kyle motions toward the driveway. "My car is still at the bottom of the hill. I know how much you love that roomy backseat."

It's official, I hate him.

"Kinky," Colleen winks at me. "I still can't believe it. Well, thanks for watching Tiny. I'm going to stop by the hospital, check up on Grams, and let him see her." A beat before she whispers quietly, motioning in Kyle's direction, "Although, I'd much rather enjoy a taste of that."

I bend down, give Tiny a goodbye pat and tell Colleen I hope her grandmother gets better soon.

I walk over to Kyle and if looks could kill, he'd be dead from the murderous glare I'm giving him right now.

I hear Colleen open her car door and plop inside

"See you around, Colleen," Kyle says to her when I reach him. He wraps an arm tightly around my shoulders, pulling my body into his.

"Have fun you two," she waves from her open car window. We step aside as she backs out of the driveway, Tiny barking from the passenger's seat.

Kyle's arm remains firmly wrapped around me as we make our way to the street. Even though my body is humming from the close contact, I am furious. So, so, so furious.

"Why did you do that?" I spit through gritted teeth when Colleen's Subaru is out of sight.

Kyle looks down at me, his hand sliding from my shoulder to my arm, then settling on my waist. "Have a little fun, Jenny. You only live once."

I roll my eyes, defiantly cross my arms over my chest, and huff in agitation.

But as we start down the hill towards his car, Kyle's warm body enveloping mine, I can't help but wonder. What would it be like to give him one of those? To put his thing in my mouth.

My cheeks warm at the thought and I'm pretty sure I'm blushing.

Hmm...I wonder how big it is? What it feels like?

"Don't worry, Jenny," Kyle interrupts my dirty thoughts. "When the time comes, I know you'll love giving me head."

I jab an elbow into his side as hard as I can, smugly watch as he winces from the pain. "In your dreams, asswipe."

Chapter 11

"Fuck, Jenny!" Fallon shrieks into the phone. "You're screwing around with Kyle now, too?"

I dig my fingers into my forehead, try to push away the tension headache threatening to form there. I knew I shouldn't have told her about Kyle. Should have just kept it to myself.
