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Oh, the nerve! He doesn't own me! He doesn't have a say in who I let close enough to touch me. Who does he think he is?

"But you like when I touch you," Kyle teases, his warm breath tickling my ear, pulling my thoughts back to him. His fingers leave my hair and blaze an agonizingly slow trail down my spine. "Don't you?"

My body stiffens as he reaches the end of my turtleneck and slides the fabric up a few inches, exposing my sensitive skin to the cold air. His fingers caress my bare, lower back and I shudder from how sensual it feels.

I can't form words. Can't tell him to stop.

Or that I don't want him to stop.

Because I like it.

So freaking much.

And that scares me.

The only other person who's ever touched me like this was Matt. But he stopped before my body ever reached this level of...stimulation.

Besides, he didn't want me. Not this way. Not the way Kyle seems to.

"Tell me you like it, Jenny," Kyle murmurs confidently in my ear. God, he's so...right. I love it.

I try to tell him, but my mouth feels hot and dry. My lips refuse to form words.

"Come on, Jenny," he softly coaxes. "I know you like it."

"I....I do," I breathe out.

"That's what I thought." I feel his lips smile against my ear before planting a chaste kiss on the skin right below my ear lobe.

Oh my god.

He kissed me.

His hand slips higher up my back as goosebumps explode all over my skin. Heat floods my belly, and everything just seems to settle right downthere.

Holy. Crap.

I...I can't do this.

I need an escape, a distraction. Anything! I can't let Kyle touch me, tease me, arouse me. Can't let him torture me like this. I'm afraid if I let him take this any further, I might do something I'll regret.

Then, a horrible thought crosses my mind. What if...? No. Not possible. But maybe.

"Are you," I swallow hard, take a moment before I continue. "Are you doing this to mess with Matt?"

Kyle's hand on my bare skin stops moving. He pulls it quickly away from me as if my words scorched him.

My heart sinks in my chest.

Oh no, not again.

But then, his hand moves up to my face, finds my cheek. I unconsciously lean into his warmth, needing the reassurance that he isn't confused or repulsed by me.

"I don't want get hurt again," I plead.

Realization floods his face. "I wouldn't do that to you. I'm not him."

My heart pitter-patters in my chest.
