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Six long and miserable days of him refusing to admit he needs to deal with his mom's death.

I'm standing in the shower, letting the hot water beat the tension out of my shoulders.

Today, Matt and Audra are getting married and we're heading home for the wedding. Well, I'm heading home early. Kyle's staying behind to help set up for a show taking place while we're gone. I have a bad feeling about leaving without him, leaving him alone for too long, but I push the thought away, run my fingers through my hair, try to stop worrying all the time. I'm worried for nothing.


I hear the bathroom door open and close as I suck in a breath. My stomach instantly knots. Did he come in here? Is he still avoiding me? Should I say something? Before I can freak out anymore, a cool breeze blows against my back as he slides back the shower curtain, steps in behind me. I shiver, but not from the cold. He hasn't been this...close to me since Christmas morning and my body is craving him.

His hands wrap around my stomach as I lean back into him, his body firm and solid and warm.

His hands slide down and grip my hips as his lips find my neck. Then, he's licking and kissing and sucking the sensitive flesh behind my ear. My body erupts with goosebumps as he teases me.

God, I've missed this.

His fingers float over my thighs, then back up as he gently caresses every inch of my body. I push back into him, feel his erection digging into my backside. I take a chance, rub my ass over it, begging him to give me...something. I don't know what I'm asking for. Normalcy? Honesty? Affection?

He twists me around and backs me up to the cool tiles. I tremble as his mouth devours mine. The kiss is needy and hungry and divine. I melt into him as he finds my thighs, his hands wrap around the backs of them. He lifts me up against the tiled wall, doesn't break our kiss as he pummels into me, filling me for the first time in days.

I lay my head on his shoulder as a few tears slip from my eyes. I hold onto him for dear life, wishing we could stay this way forever. Lock the door. Never run out of hot water. Just Kyle and me. But the world waits on the other side of the door and the sinking realization that I can't fix him in here makes my heart ache.

His movements are slow and steady as his hand reaches for my neck. He gently pulls me up, lays his forehead against mine as he continues to move in and out of me. It's muggy, steamy, sultry as I run my hands through his hair, over his shoulders, down his back.

"I love you," he says, his chocolate eyes blazing into mine.

"I know," I tell him.

He stops moving, chews on his lower lip. "I really love you, Jenny. So much more than you'll ever know."

"I love you, too," I smile before kissing him.

He starts moving again, hitting me deeper as I cry out. We move under the water until it fades from steaming hot to lukewarm. I fall apart in his arms as he holds me up, my body shuddering and quivering around him. When he releases into me moments later, his arms wrap around me, holding me as tight as he can. He doesn't let me go right away. But I don't mind. It's been too long since he's been this close to me.

When we finally pull apart, he turns the water off and grabs me a towel.

"I'm going to head into the Gallery after I get dressed," he tells me as he wraps the white cotton around his lower half. He keeps his back to me the whole time. A part of me wishes he'd turn around, look at me.

"I think I'm going to head out around noon," I tell him. "Mom needs help with decorations."

His back visibly stiffens as he reaches for the doorknob. "I'll see you later then?"

"The wedding is at six," I remind him. "You have to be at the lodge at 4:30 to get ready with Matt."

"I know," he nods as he opens the door, heads into the bedroom.

I take my time blow-drying my hair before getting dressed in sweats. I grab my dress off the back of the door and my bag before I go through its contents one last time, making sure I have everything.

When I walk into the living room, Kyle's standing by the door, frozen in place.

"I thought you left," I frown as I walk up to him.

He shakes his head, his eyes filled with something I can't quite pinpoint. Fear. Pain. Sadness. I don't even know anymore. The wall he's put up between us makes reading him hard these days.

"I wanted to say goodbye to you," he whispers.

"I'm going to see you in a few hours," I shake my head, confused.

His arms tighten around me as he kisses me. It's firm and deep and gentle. His hands slide through my hair as he grips it in his fingers. He lingers longer than usual, his lips moving languidly with mine, his hands holding me like he doesn't want to let me go.
