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I miss my best friend.

I pull my legs up to my chest, wrap my arms firmly around them. The sun is still shining but I don't feel warm anymore. I feel...cold. Lonely. Sad. Lost.

"I didn't say you could take a break," I hear from behind me.

I exhale, feeling defeated. "Didn't want to interrupt your make out sesh."

Kyle sits down beside me, his body so close I can feel the heat coming off him. I'm tired and exhausted and he feels so...warm. Without giving it much thought, I tilt my head and lay it on his shoulder. He doesn't move, doesn't say anything. I close my eyes and lean on him.

My phone vibrates again.

"He's been blowing up my phone, too," Kyle smirks. "Your mom told him you were with me today."

I shrug. "I doubt he cares."

Kyle shifts slightly, lowering his shoulder so I can lay more of my head comfortably on him. I move closer so our bodies are right next to each other, arms and hips and thighs touching. It feels comfortable. Invading his space. Being close to him like this. It should probably make me nervous, but it doesn't.

"I think he cares," Kyle tells me. "He wouldn't be threatening me if he didn't."

"Threatening you?" I laugh in disbelief

"Why is he threatening you?"

Kyle shakes his head, his smooth jaw brushing against my forehead. "He thinks I'm going to corrupt you."

"Funny," I muse, "my mom said something along those lines. What was it? Oh yeah, you have a reputation."

Kyle inhales sharply. I can feel his body tense beneath the cheek that's resting on his shoulder.

"And what do you think?"

I lift my head and look into his muddied eyes with their murky depths and golden flecks. The tension, like electricity, surges between us. "I think you're the only honest person I know."

I watch the corner of his lips tip up as his eyes dart from my eyes to my lips, then back up again.

"There you guys are!"

Kyle briefly closes his eyes as I pull away from him. I hadn't realized how close our faces were until Sunny's high-pitched screeching interrupted our...moment.

"There's only a few boxes left," I quietly tell Kyle. "I'll go grab them."

I stand before he can say anything and start the long journey down the flight of concrete stairs, my body tingling.

"You brought me to a Lowe's parking lot?" I huff in agitation. "A parking lot?"

Kyle ignores me and gets out of the car as I look around. This seems a little extreme considering I can drive. It's the being in a car with a stranger judging my driving part that causes me to freeze up and fail. Three times. But who's counting?

My door opens and Kyle stands there, waiting for me to get out. "We start in the parking lot."

I shake my head and unbuckle my seatbelt. He steps aside as I brush past him, make my way around the car until I reach the driver's seat and get in. Even though I'm tall at 5'8", Kyle is much taller, and I have to adjust the seat so I can reach the pedals.

I check the rear-view mirror and adjust it so I can clearly see out the back. I fumble with the side mirrors until I think they're in the correct position.

"I'm ready," I tell Kyle as I run a nervous hand through my blond hair.

"Circle the parking lot," he instructs. "Gotta make sure you know how to use the brake and gas correctly."
