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We all start laughing, laying on the kitchen floor, covered in the mess we've made.

For the first time since we've been home, things don't feel so heavy, sad, and weighted-down.

Maybe everything will be alright.

"What in the world!" Mom shouts when she walks in and finds us. "What have you guys done?"

I pick up a pile of discarded scrambled eggs, pelt them in her direction.

"Get out!" she orders as it hits her arm.

We all trudge out, our heads hanging low.

As we make our way up the stairs to wash up, we hear Kyle's contagious laughter again.

And it's the first time in days things have felt light and easy between all of us.

Matt pats his brother on the back before heading into his bedroom to change and check on Audra.

"Come with me," Kyle motions towards the bathroom.

I shake my head. "You go first."

"Come with me, Jenny," he says again, the corner of his lips tugging into a crooked smile.

I give in and follow him.

I slowly strip, careful to fold my clothes, and all the food on them, into a ball. Kyle's checking the temperature of the water, then holding his hand out to me. I step in, feel his hands pull me closer to him under the warm spray of the water.

His body is feverish and solid, making me want to come undone, sob, cry in his arms. But I don't.

Instead, I let him wash me, my hair, let him rinse the soapy suds and remnants of the breakfast we didn't get to eat from every inch of my body.

After he's done, I try to turn around, wanting to do the same for him. But he holds me firmly in place.

"Just let me hold you, Jenny," he mumbles against my ear, his hands splayed along my torso. "Just let me hold you for a little while."

And I do.

Because I can feel it.

A storm is coming.

One I'm terrified might have enough force to rip him from my bare hands.

Will he survive this? Will we?

He never told her goodbye. He never told her he forgave her.

If Diane doesn't wake up, he'll never get the chance to.

Terror, pure and raw, seeps into my bones as the water overhead turns cold.

I wish death wasn't a part of this life.

But it is.

Chapter 55
