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"Thompson," he grins.

"Unfortunately, Mr. Thompson, we don't have anything in your price range. However," I pause, watch his eyes glint with mischief, "I am willing to accept another form of payment."

He licks his soft, pink lips. "I'm listening."

"I know you're obviously taken and in a very serious relationship, but a girl has needs. And you look like just the guy who could take care of those needs for me."

His hand reaches out and skims the back of my neck, drawing me closer to him as we both lean across the counter. He lightly brushes his lips against mine before letting go.

"Are you offering sexual favors in exchange for goods?"

I chuckle lightly, slip a stray strand of blond hair behind my ear. "Oh no, you would be."

"Fuck, Jenny," Kyle rubs his chin with his palm. "When did you get so bold?"

"I don't believe I've told you my name, Mr. Thompson," I chastise him as I walk around the counter, my hand gliding along the cool glass. I stand in front of him and run a finger over his chest, peering up at him while sinking my teeth into my lower lip.

He swallows nervously. "It's on your name tag."

My eyes slide down to my chest, see the gold and black name plate sparkling beneath the white glow of the overhead lights.

"Just so you know," he smiles at me. "I really love my girlfriend and this is strictly a one-time thing."

"Whatever you say," I nonchalantly wave my hand before leading the way to Mom's office.

I hear his footsteps behind me as he hurries to catch up. My fingers grip the doorknob when I feel his hand on my shoulder. He flips me around to face him, crashes his lips to mine. It's urgent and needy and reckless and lights a fire between my thighs.

"We only," I breathe between kisses, "have a few minutes," another pause as he captures my lips, "before Mom gets back."

His hand rests over mine on the doorknob. "We better hurry then. I expect to be fairly compensated for my time."

I step into the room and Kyle follows, his breath warm on the top of my head. I shut and lock the door behind us as his hands find my waist. He begins pulling up the fabric of my black dress as we shuffle backwards. I angle us so I can keep an eye on the security cameras.

He bunches my dress at my waist, slides my underwear down my legs. I step out of them, and he helps me sit on the edge of Mom's white, rustic desk. I reach for the button on his jeans as he slips his hand in his back pocket and pulls out a condom.

"No," I tell him as I nod towards the foil packet in his hands.

"What?" he says, confused.

"I said no," I respond, working on his zipper.

"Jenny," he exhales. "We can't..."

I meet his perplexed gaze, yank his jeans down as far as I can from my seated position. "Did I stutter?"

His eyebrows slant towards each other and I see equal parts fear and exhilaration in his dark eyes. "What's gotten into you?"

So much, Kyle.

I don't even know where to start. I lost my best friend because I fell in love with his brother. Their mom hurt me for having sex in a hot tub (not my finest moment) and may be borderline crazy. She also won't get the help she desperately needs. I have no idea what my future is going to look like. I don't want to end up selling jewelry for Mom when I get out of college like she keeps suggesting. Hell, I don't even know what I want to major in. I have to find a job in Boulder so I can buy myself a car. Fallon leaves in three days to get settled in Boston. Or was it Providence? I can't remember, but she claims she's never returning to Colorado, so I don't know when I'll see her again. Oh, and I haven't seen my boyfriend in almost two weeks because he's opening a gallery/coffee shop and hasn't exactly had time for me.

I just need to feel something, anything to dull the numbness. And I want to feel Kyle. All of him.

"I just don't give a shit anymore," I answer.

Yep, that about sums it up.

He slides his boxers down his strong thighs, and I take his heavy, throbbing length into my hand. I stroke him a few times, watch as his eyes darken, his pulse quickens in his throat.
