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"Oh, fuck it," he says as he reaches for me. His hands slide under the backs of my thighs, and he lifts me, pushes me up against the cold tiles.

Before I can respond, his mouth is on me, silencing me long enough to guide himself to my entrance. I wait patiently as he runs the tip along my center. He slowly taunts me until I'm begging him to get inside me, right now. He moans while I sigh as he fills me completely and I almost come undone from the feeling of having him again. Of knowing he only does this with me. That he loves me.

He slides out and thrusts back in as I hold onto his shoulders, digging my fingernails into his meaty flesh.

Just as he pulls back out, we hear the doorknob jingle and a rush of cold air fills the bathroom.


Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit.

Kyle's eyes double in size as he holds me in place. "What the fuck, Matt!"

"I have to take a piss," he hollers as we hear the bathroom door shut close, footsteps nearing the thin shower curtain separating us.

"Find another bathroom, fuckface," Kyle yells. "Seriously! Get the fuck out!"

The sound of the toilet lid clinks, ceramic against ceramic, echoing through the small space. My heart stops in my chest. Matt is literally standing on the other side of the curtain. If he pulls it back, we're done for.

Kyle slowly releases my legs until my feet are firmly planted on the shower floor. He turns his body, stands in front of me, shielding me.

I reach for his hand and squeeze it nervously. I can hear my pulse jackhammering in my ears, feel the tension in Kyle's rigid body, taste the fear coursing through my veins.

We hear Matt's shorts unzip and then the steady stream of pee as it fills the toilet. I try to suppress a groan. I never envisioned hot shower sex with Kyle getting interrupted by Matt's small bladder.

I may never recover.

"What the fuck, man!" Kyle says again. "Why are you in here while I'm showering?"

"I've seen your dick before," Matt responds. "Not that impressive. Besides, we're brothers. My bathroom is your bathroom."

I almost let out a snort, but I clamp my hand over my mouth, lean my forehead against Kyle's back.

"No, that's not how it fucking works. You can't just walk into a bathroom while someone's in here," Kyle tries again.

Matt flushes the toilet and the water from the showerhead turns ice cold. I let out a yelp as it hits my back, shocking my system.

Kyle squeezes my hand tighter as I bite down on my lip, mentally chastising myself for possibly blowing our cover.

"You sound like a girl," Matt laughs. "Can't even handle a little cold water."

"Are you finished?" Kyle snaps.

Matt slaps the white shower curtain. I watch as it sways back and forth, holding my breath. "Next time lock the door, dickhead."

We stay perfectly still as Matt's footsteps tread further away.

Oh my god.

That was so close. Too close.

"Hey," Matt says over the sound of the water rushing over us. "What is Jen's bathing suit doing in here?"

Oh shit.

Chapter 34

One Christmas, Grandma gifted Mom with an antique crystal vase. It was an intricate floral design that was supposedly very rare. She displayed it in a wooden cabinet with a few other precious items she had collected over the years.
