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After a brief pause, Miss Baker and her attorney came back on the line. "In light of the recent developments, Miss Baker has agreed to drop her bid for custody," the attorney said.

A grin stretched across my mouth, and I punched the air with my fist in silent victory, even as I said in a professional voice, "Of course. I will have my secretary fax over some papers that say you all agreed to drop the bid. Miss Baker, if you would sign those as soon as possible, this will all be behind us."

After I got off the phone with them, I sat back in my chair. In the breath it took to explain that she would not have any kind of access to Wolfie’s money, all of the drama and strife was gone. I shook my head in disbelief and relief.

I had to get to work to get those papers signed. I wanted everything to be buttoned up and taken care of by the time I saw Adam and Wolfie again—I had so much to tell them.


I wrapped up Adam and Wolfie's case as quickly as humanly possible. It wasn't until late in the afternoon that Miss Baker's attorney finally faxed over the signed forms, and I held those papers like they were made of the most precious gold.

Once everything was officially taken care of, I finished up a few other items for the day, and then, I got the hell out of there. I had to get to Adam's place, but first, I had to make a slight detour.


Just a little while later, I sat on the top step just across from Adams's door. A pizza box, warm in my lap, caused an aromatic fragrance to float in the air and made my mouth water.

I was past the nauseous point for the day, and now, I was just ravenous. The cravings were intense.

I knew that any moment now, Adam and Wolfie would be coming up the stairs. Hunger fought with the nerves in the pit of my stomach. I tried to distract myself by making a list in my head of all the things I needed to do for this sweet baby on the way.

Finally, I heard the door swing open downstairs and then the sure steps of someone big and someone smaller coming towards me. Before I could overthink anything else, Adam and Wolfie were there.

Adam looked at me surprised and relieved, while Wolfie just looked excited. "You got pizza, Aunt Rea! I thought you didn't like us eating this stuff?"

I smiled at Wolfie as I stood up. "Yeah, well, I was having a craving, thought I would share it with my two favorite guys," I told him.

Adam gave me a questioning smile as he moved us all toward the door and unlocked it. Adam didn't say anything just yet, so I just watched him carefully as I opened up that pizza box and prepared a plate for Wolfie behind the kitchen counter. "Hey Wolf-Man," he said to the boy, "how about you go turn the game on and start without us, we'll be there in a few minutes."

Wolfie was happy to take his pizza and drink and rush to the couch so he could turn on the game.

"Hey," Adam said awkwardly.

"Hey. Just so you know, this is an 'I'm sorry' pizza," I told him, looking sheepish.

He gave a small laugh. "You mean it's not a pregnancy craving pizza?"

"Well, yeah, kind of a two-for-one deal. Adam, I'm sorry I reacted the way I did to your proposal."

"No, I don't blame you—it all came out wrong, and I should've approached it differently and not sprung that on you with everything else going on—"

"No, you said what you were thinking, and I still doubted you, and I'm sorry. I'm going to have to learn to trust that you mean what you say. It's funny, I never doubted that before. It's one of the things I found so annoying about you, quite frankly. But the moment you started saying things like you cared about me or that…that you loved me," I said quietly, "all of the sudden, I started doubting that you were serious."

"Listen, I realize that you and I both have some skewed views of relationships and love. We've been carrying this baggage, but what if we just let it go? Would you be willing to let it go? And start over with me?" he asked softly, moving toward me but seemingly nervous to touch me.

I didn't answer for a moment, consumed with the way he was fidgeting. He always did that when he was uncertain about something, and for some reason, I found it completely endearing.

I grabbed the hand he had been tapping on the counter and smoothed it over my belly. "I am willing to let go and start over for all of us," I told him with a smile, delighting in the way his expression softened and his eyes went to my stomach. I definitely wasn't showing yet, but just knowing that this child we created was in there had his expression turning sweet. "But Adam, the reason I freaked out so much is that. Well, it wasn’t just because I was afraid to get left, but because I knew it would hurt so bad since I'm in love with you."

His eyes rose to mine, and a big grin stretched across his beautiful lips. "I knew it," he said happily.

"Really? I pour my heart out to you and tell you I love you and that's your response?" I asked, playfully annoyed.

"Yep, this is where I tell you I told you so," he said, moving to me then and taking me into his arms. "And this is also where I tell you that I love you, too. I know neither one of us ever expected this, but now that we're here, I couldn't imagine going on this wild ride with anyone else. As it turns out, it's you who I've been waiting for and hadn't realized it. But now, you're finally here in my arms. You're finally home with your family, Reagan." His lips hovered over mine.

I smiled up at him, warmth flooding my chest, and so much love and excitement bursting at my seams. "It's good to be home," I said, throwing my arms around him and laid a kiss on his lips that had me stumbling back for a moment as we laughed against each other.

"I have some good news," I told him.
