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"Why is that so hard to believe? Because I haven't really been in a long-term relationship since you've known me? I don't waste my time on people I'm not interested in spending a lot of time with, Reagan. That's all that means."

She shook her head. "I really don't wanna talk about this anymore, Adam. Can we please change the subject? You were really good with Wolfie out there tonight," she told me earnestly.

"Thank you, but the kid makes it easy. I'm feeling better about our situation—he opened up about some of the stuff that is bothering him."

"He did? That's great."

"Yeah, I think so, too. But I'm keeping his appointment with the therapist. I want him to know he always has somebody to talk to, even if it's not me he wants to talk to."

She gave me a curious look for a long moment, and for once, I showed some self-restraint and just let her stare. It would typically be the spot where I try to fill in the space with some stupid joke or tease her, but maybe it was time we just let some reality sink in between us. I didn't know what she was searching for her as she gazed at me, but suddenly, she tore her eyes away and said, "I guess I should get going. It's getting late."

"It is getting late, and I don't like the idea of you out there by yourself on a Friday night," I told her honestly.

She shook her head and rolled her eyes. "Don’t you start that he-man shit with me, Rollins."

I thumped my chest with my fist lightly in response when a loud growling sound filled the room. "What in the world was that?" I asked.

Reagan's cheeks reddened slightly. "I didn't have time to eat before hockey practice, it's just my stomach."

"Well, let's get some food." Getting up from the couch, I stalked over to the kitchen before she could argue with me.

I had a leftover piece of pizza in the microwave getting nuked before she could tell me again that she needed to go home, and when the fragrant smell of garlic and tomato sauce hit the room, I could tell I had won her over. I presented the plate to her like it was some fine cuisine. She took it gratefully and proceeded to wolf it down. I smiled at her appetite, glad to see that she was so comfortable around me after some of the awkward conversations we'd had lately.

I got another slice of pizza for Reagan as I sipped on a beer and we watched the basketball game. Time got away from us as we both got involved in the ball game, and when the game was finally over, she cursed when she saw the clock. "Shit, I really didn't mean to stay this late."

"I know, but it is really late, Reagan, and I would feel a lot better if you just stay put," I told her in a quiet and hopefully convincing voice.

She looked at me sharply then, and I was completely prepared for her to tell me that I just needed to get over it. Was there a yearning in her eyes for just the briefest of seconds? I could see the struggle going on in her head.

"Boundaries tomorrow, Miles."

She smiled faintly and rose from the couch, looked at me meaningfully, and headed for my bedroom.

I did a little victory dance in my head—another night in Reagan's arms. And despite the fact that we were both so exhausted, and despite the fact that she was sore from her hockey lessons, that didn't stop her from stripping out of her clothes as soon as the bedroom doors closed and pointing to the bed. I dutifully followed her directions and sat down facing her. She helped me out of my clothes. "Just want you to know, I find it really obnoxious how easy it is for you to get me to take my clothes off," she said in a husky whisper as she straddled my already naked lap.

"Lucky for you, the payoff is worth it," she said, reaching down and stroking my already hard cock. I bit back a groan. She worked her hand over me slowly. It wasn't like our little tryst in her office. We took our time with each other this time, tasting and laving at one another, reveling in the quiet moments. But by the time I slid inside of her tight, hot pussy, she was grabbing my hand and putting it over her mouth, the sounds of her pleasure reverberating against my palm.

I rocked into her, trying to hold my release back, wanting us to last as long as possible, but the fervent thrusting of her hips to meet mine were my undoing. I collapsed on top of her, my face in her neck, growling out my release as I felt the walls of her pussy squeeze tightly around me and a long whimper against the palm of my hand as she orgasmed.

Despite how tired we were, we didn't go to sleep right away. And I was surprised that she didn't start coming up with excuses as to why she should go or how we had crossed more boundaries. No, instead, we stayed in each other's arms, and she looked up into my eyes as she stroked her fingers over my five o'clock shadow.

I spent that night trying to memorize the feeling of her soft skin with my fingers and my mouth, drinking in every little sigh of pleasure, trying to figure out how I would make this happen again. Because I needed it to happen again. Because I needed her.

Chapter sixteen


Over the next few weeks…

That hockey night was supposed to be a one-time thing, but it quickly became our routine.

A lot of it was done in the name of establishing ourselves as a "couple." But somehow, we had taken the "couple" business too far.

I always left before Wolfie woke up. He was still too young to answer questions about me spending the night. But I couldn't seem to stop myself from ending up in Adam's arms. He was like a drug that I just couldn't resist, no matter how hard I tried, or how much I talked myself out of it. Even though I knew things were irrevocably complicated, I couldn't help but feel anything but right when I was with him.

Miss Baker had extended her trip to the Maldives, only extending the timeline of our case. As she claimed, it was essential that she get as much rest as possible before she’d take on the charge of a small child. This presumptuousness irritated me to no end, but let her take her time, it only helped Wolfie's cause.

I had a rare night to myself, and I was on video chat with both Amy and Lucy. Lucy was still in her office working late but had decided to call in, not wanting to miss our weekly catch-up.
