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I struggled to stutter out a response, but he was quick to continue. "Come on, Reagan, you and I are constantly touching each other every chance we get, and I know…I know," he said, stepping towards me, "that we're just playing this game like we don't know what's going on. If you want to keep playing that game behind the scenes, that's fine. But why don't we use this…thing," he gestured between us, "to our advantage…to Wolfie's advantage."

I sat there with my mouth open. Everything in me wanted to argue with him, and yet, he wasn't really wrong. Not to mention the fact that I would do whatever I could to help in the situation. If this act could truly put Adam and Wolfie in a better position to make sure the right thing happened, how could I really say no?

I snapped my mouth shut and looked at him for a long moment before I finally said reluctantly, "Okay."

"Okay? Really?"

I nodded. "Okay, but we need to establish some ground rules, some boundaries. Just because we're going to be acting like a couple doesn't mean that we are. At the end of the day, we go to our own corners, and we're still two single people, got it?"

He nodded furiously, so much so that it looked like his entire body was shaking. "I owe you my life for this one."

I felt an eyebrow raise. "Yes, yes, you do."

Fidgeting nervously, he tried to suppress the smile playing at the corners of his lips. "I feel a lot better, and I want to make sure that the deck is stacked against this lady. Reagan, I am so grateful," he said, and in a fit of impulse, he moved forward, snatched me to him, and laid his mouth across mine in a long, appreciative kiss. When he finally broke away from my mouth, I was dazed and breathless.

I stepped back, straightening my suit jacket. "That's the sort of thing I am talking about," I said, pointing a finger at them.

"Right, right, sorry about that. As a matter of fact, I better go before I do something else, so…I'll see you later?" he asked, a tinge of hope in his voice.

I nodded. "Later."

I sat back down at my desk, wondering what the hell I had just gotten myself into, but not sixty seconds later, Adam was back through the door, shutting it behind him.

"I'm sorry, Reagan, I just…I forgot something," he said, quickly coming around behind my desk and pulling me from the chair.

"Adam, what are you—" I was cut off by his mouth on mine once again. He held me tightly against him, and once again, I was helpless to resist the heat of him.

His tongue stroked against mine, and the taste of him unraveled the tightly wound knot of self-control I'd been trying to form since the last time we'd been together. When we finally broke the kiss, he looked at me slightly dazed and confused. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't help—"

"Oh, just shut up and kiss me," I told him, yanking his mouth back down to mine. It wasn't long before his fingers were unbuttoning my suit jacket and then my blouse. I pushed him away. He looked slightly confused but quickly understood when I went to lock the door.

"Are we about fuck on your desk?" he asked with brightness in those brown eyes. "Because I have been having this fantasy about you for a long time," he confessed, gathering me up in his arms.

I didn't answer him at first, at least not with words. Instead, I grabbed the hem of my tight skirt and yanked it up over my hips, then turned around and bent over my desk, looking over my shoulder at him coyly.

He bit his lip as he took in what I was offering.

So what if it was a little whiplash? So what if I was mixing signals? At this point, I didn't care—my body just needed him.

He moved toward me with an inferno in his eyes, his fingers reaching for the waistband of my panties.

"All about making dreams come true again?" he asked with a husky chuckle. And then, his fingers were inside me, and any response I'd been about to say died on my lips with a sharp gasp.

I bit back a moan and told him in a ragged whisper, "Adam, I need you now, don't toy with me."

His voice was in my ear, his breath hot on my skin as he said, "I thought I was the one who was supposed to give orders in this situation? Now, be a good girl and spread your legs for me." I could hear him unfastening his pants, the hiss of the zipper going down, and then, I felt the tip of his cock was against my opening. I swear I almost orgasmed right there.

"So wet for me," he said as he teased my opening. I bucked my hips back, rubbing myself against him, desperate to feel him inside me. I was sure he was going to continue to toy with me, but in one fell swoop, he shoved inside, filling me until it almost hurt. Letting out a low moan and burying my face into my arm, I gloried in the sensation, trying to muffle any sound before it escaped my mouth.

"Gotta be careful, don't want the whole office to know how hard you come for me," he said, working himself deeper inside me.

With my hips pressed against my desk, I didn't have a lot of space for movements, but I didn't care. Adam didn't seem to, either, as he drilled inside me. Our coupling was quick, dirty, and hot, and I loved every second of it. I loved the way he whispered in my ear, ordering me to come for him, and I loved the way he bit into my shoulder when he came hard, quaking against me as his release shot through me. I wanted so badly to scream out, but I managed to bite my lip hard enough to abstain from the noise.

As we fixed our clothes, he looked at me hungrily as if we hadn't just had rough sex—as if he was only just beginning. I laughed and said, "Boundaries, right?" With that, he cupped my jaw and gave me a rough kiss before releasing me and heading towards the door, giving me one small, satisfied smile over his shoulder before he walked out.

"That arrogant son a bitch," I cursed quietly, but I could feel myself smiling as I did so.

You're in for it now, Reagan.
