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I nodded my head vigorously. "Of course, of course. That poor kid doesn't need to know about this crap. I'll get my game face on for him," I promised, thinking in my head how on earth I was going to keep my shit together when I saw him next. It was only after a couple of minutes that I realized that somewhere in our discussion, I'd put my head on Reagan's chest. She stroked her fingers through my hair. I sucked in a deep breath, inhaling the scent of her sweet perfume and letting that comforting smell work its wonders.

"It's going to be okay Adam," she said softly in my ear, and I wanted to believe her. I dared to tighten my arms around her, bringing her closer and lifting my head, looking into those beautiful, bright eyes of hers.

"Thank you for coming all the way down here to tell me. I think I would've lost my mind if I heard that over the phone," I admitted.

She gave me a small smile. "I figured. Plus, I wanted to make sure you were in a good frame of mind. I know you've got it in you to play ball, Adam, and that's what we're going to have to do in this case. Just remember that we're all on team Wolfie."

I felt my lips stretching into a grin at her sports euphemisms.

God, how had it taken me so long to see that this woman was everything I never knew I needed?

She looked into my eyes for a long moment, and once again, there was that confusion, but there was also a heat…that undeniable heat that had been instrumental in getting us into trouble lately. She looked at me thoughtfully, and then, she seemed to make a decision because I saw her expression physically soften. She leaned down and pressed her plush mouth against mine. There was so much in that kiss: comfort, reassurance…at least, that's how it started out. But like it always was with us, it quickly turned to more, and when her tongue gently probed at the seam of my lips, I opened gratefully to her, needing the taste of her to serve as a balm for this new fear.

I moaned into her mouth, and I could've kicked myself for it later because it was that noise that seemed to remind her of exactly where we were.

She jerked back and looked at me, startled as if she hadn't just been sitting on my lap making out with me. She bit her lip hard, then jerked her gaze away, sliding from my lap and straightening her clothes. She cleared her throat and said, "I should really get back to work. I gave Cheri a task to start investigating Miss Baker before I left, so I should go see what she's found so far and see what I can dig up, too."

"Dig up?" I asked with my eyebrows raised.

"I don't like the sound of this woman. She focused entirely too much on Wolfie's money. As far as I'm concerned, that gives me license to play hardball, and it can serve as a warning to anybody else who tries to come after him just because they see how much money he has," she said, her voice hardening.

I grinned at her. "I like this side of you. It's sexy as hell."

She laughed and looked faintly dismayed, smoothing a shaking hand down her front as she backed towards the door. "I'll call you with updates. You call me with updates about Wolfie, and don't forget to ask that colleague of yours about a therapist for him," she reminded me.

"On it, captain," I said to her with another mock salute.

She smiled. "I might just get used to being addressed that way," she said as she walked out the door.

Standing in my doorway, I watched that tight ass sashay down my hallway. There were such confusing emotions going on inside of me: fear, worry, but also a determination to face down this metaphorical monster—and a whole hell of a lot of gratitude that I was not facing it down alone. It would appear I had Reagan by my side. I had no clue if she was softening on her stance towards "us," but I knew down in my soul that there was nothing that would keep her from fighting for Wolfie and me as a duo. I almost had to feel sorry for this Miss Baker person…almost.

Chapter fourteen


I had important things to be focusing on, namely, making sure that Wolfie could stay in the home that he belonged in. I could not afford to keep running over in my head again and again the soft way Adam had been looking at me and how I had unthinkingly plopped myself into his lap. I mean, really, what the hell had that been about? I didn't even realize I was doing anything until, all of a sudden, I was in his lap, my arms around his neck, just needing to feel him. To comfort him in any way I could think of.

My top priority is Wolfie, I reminded myself as I strode back into my office.

Cheri rushed to catch up with me with an excited smile on her face. "I have great news, Reagan—" she started.

"That the Baker woman decided to drop all the bullshit?"

Cheri's smile faltered. "Not exactly. But I have been informed by her lawyer that Ms. Baker isn't even going to be able to come to court for the next several weeks."

That stopped me. "Several weeks? Why?"

Cheri gave me a triumphant smile. "Apparently, she's in the Maldives and just cannot get out of this trip, at least according to her lawyer."

"Are you kidding me? She had the nerve to call Adam an unfit parent when she didn’t even know him, but she can't be bothered to come back early from her vacation. I guess she's not that worried about Wolfie," I ranted.

"That's the point, Reagan. I know this means it's going to draw it out a little bit longer, but it only makes our case that much stronger, don't you think?"

I sighed. "I know, I know, we can definitely use the advantage. I'm still just so pissed that she's trying these games. I know I'm the one who put the inquiry out there, but I wasn't expecting some money-hungry sea witch to pop up in the mix. I mean, hasn't Wolfie been through enough?"

Cheri put her hand on my forearm in a comforting gesture and made me stop and look at her. "Hey, stop, look at me and breathe. Remember who you are and what you're capable of, Reagan. And correct me if I'm wrong, but I get the distinct impression the doctor is quite the formidable opponent himself."

I nodded. "I know, I know it should be an open and shut case, but you and I have both seen things like this go sideways before. We just need to make sure that we don't take any chances or leave any stone left unturned."
