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I sniffed haughtily, trying to bolster myself and shake off this strangely fidgety version of myself. "It's no big deal, really. I am still Wolfgang's lawyer, so it's in my best interest to make sure that he's well taken care of."

"Ah, now, come on, don't get all stick-up-the-ass lawyer on me again," he cajoled, rising from his seat behind his desk. "I'm trying to give you my heartfelt thanks."

He stepped closer to me, and instinctively, I took a step back. With the building being so old, the offices were little more than closet spaces. There wasn't a lot of real estate to run away to, and the intoxicating scent of him threatened to overtake me once again, made me act uncharacteristically, like the night with slept together.

He saw my quick step back, though, and he was not about to let it go. "What was that?" he asked, looking me in the face, brows drawn together suspiciously.

"What was what?" I deflected, trying for a nonchalant tone.

"That little quick step back away from me. What? Do I smell bad?" he asked with a slight smile.

"No, I'd never say anything like that," I said defensively.

"Really? You said a lot worse actually," he pointed out.

I rolled my eyes. "That may be true. If you must know, Adam, you smell quite nice," I told him, then instantly regretted the words.

A grin stretched his lips. "You think I smell nice, huh? Then why are you stepping back—worried you'll be overwhelmed by my alluring scent…or are you just worried you won't be able to keep your hands off me?" he asked teasingly, but for all of his joking, I could see the real question in his eyes.

I stiffened my spine and tried to give him a bored look. "What is wrong with you? I came here to do a job—and a favor, I might add, and now, you're trying to instigate…" I struggled to find the word then added lamely, "stuff."

"Stuff?" he asked, stepping slightly closer, but this time, I was going to stand my ground. "What kind of stuff do you think I'm trying to instigate, Reagan?"

"God only knows with you, Adam. But I have learned there's always something up with you."

"There's only ever something up with me when you're around," he said too quickly, and it took everything in me not to shove Adam out of irritation. He noticed that, too, and smiled, satisfied at my clear annoyance with him.

I clenched my hands into fists at my sides and gritted my teeth. "You are the most insufferable man. I can't believe I ever let you see me naked," I said without thinking.

God, Reagan, why are you saying the word “naked?” Why are you reminding him?

He laughed softly then. "Oh, I think you can believe it. In fact, I think you think about it a lot more than you care to admit," he said, dropping his voice.

"In your dreams," I hissed.

His smile dropped, and he turned serious. "That's right. In my dreams, almost every damn night. And that's driving me crazy. You are enough to drive me crazy," he admitted.

I didn't know what to say to that. There was nothing more disarming than an honest Adam, and I had no clue what to do with him. But as it turned out, I didn't need to worry about that because he wasn't done. "I guess I should've told you that, but you're the smartest woman I’ve ever met. I figured you already knew, so why bother hiding it," he said, edging slightly closer, and some magnetic pull had me leaning in. I didn't think I could've stopped myself if I wanted to.

He saw the action and came in closer, hovering his mouth over mine. And the feeling of his hot breath fanning over my lips nearly made me melt into his arms.

I probably would've done just that if it hadn't been for Wolfie's voice popping up behind me. "Uncle Adam, Miss Nancy has Skittles," he said excitedly, clearly already having consumed a few.

I backed away quickly, dazed and confused and looked at Adam warily. For his part, his face was red, but he smiled at Wolfgang fondly. "Oh, yeah? That's great, buddy."

"Well, I should really get going," I said, starting to back towards the door.

"So soon? You really don't have to," Adam said, the corner of his mouth tilting upward.

I gave him a wide smile. "I need to get back to work. Besides, Wolfie here has consumed Skittles. I think that's probably the best adventure just for you two. If my research is any indication, I've got about two and a half minutes before the kid bounces off the walls." I looked down at Wolfgang conspiratorially. "Isn't that right, kiddo?"

He gave me an exaggeratedly big smile, then proceeded to let out a large squawk and announce, "I'm a dinosaur."

I looked over at Adam, satisfied when I saw his slight look of dismay. But then, he just grinned at Wolfgang, brought his hands to his chest, and hooked his fingers, and said in his best approximation of a dinosaur voice, "I am a T-Rex. Won't you help me, Wolfgang? My arms are too short to scratch my back."

I looked between the two of them, laughing. "And that's my cue to get on out of here."

Wolfgang dropped his dinosaur impression long enough to ask me, "Will you come visit again?"
