Page 76 of Champion

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Now that they had come out, I just wanted to repeat them. Taking her hand, I squeezed it with my free one.

Electra gave me a soft smile. She’d been quiet since the dressing room. I knew she was mine. She’d returned the words, but I knew it would take more than words to secure her.

A meow sounded from behind me.

“Sorry,” Ally said. “Mr. Smooches isn’t a big fan of his pet carrier.”

“He’ll adjust once we get there.” I took my foot off the gas pedal as we neared my house.

“I can’t believe you two broke the dressing room mirror.” Ally clucked her tongue. “Mercedes was pissed.”

I exchanged a glance with Electra, loving the simmering passion in her eyes as she remembered it like I did.

The mirror seemed to be a symbol. Who we were before—two lost and lonely individuals—no longer applied. In our love, we were something new and better.

I knew it. I felt it. I just had to prove to Electra that I was the man she needed, like she was the one for me. It wasn’t a game, but I was dedicated to winning it. Having and keeping her was more important than anything else.

“I paid for a replacement mirror.” My mouth curved. “Jeremy was excited to choose one from that expensive catalog.”

“I know, Dad. I was there when Mercedes took your credit card.” Ally’s eyes that were the same shade as my own met mine again in the rearview mirror. “You two need to get a room, a private one from now on, is what I’m saying.”

“That’s the plan.” I flicked the blinker and steered the SUV onto my driveway. Lowering my visor, I hit the button and opened the gate. “Electra is staying with me in my room, and you’re getting your very own space with an en-suite bath.”

I glanced at Electra, glad that she no longer protested our sleeping arrangements. Returning my gaze to Ally, I raised an inquiring brow.

“Does that plan meet with your approval?” I asked.

“Yeah, Dad. I’m not a teenager anymore. I’m okay with you and Electra sleeping together.” She rolled her eyes.

“Know you’re not a kid anymore, honey.” I parked the Navigator in front of the garage. “But I’m sad I missed it, sad that I missed so many milestones in your life.”

“You’re here now,” she said, her expression resolute like mine.

“I am. I’m here for the long haul. Not losing any more opportunities.” I nodded once at her in the mirror and turned to Electra. “I feel fortunate to have you both in my life.”

I cut off the engine and grabbed my key fob from the cupholder.

“I didn’t push it earlier, but I want you both to consider staying longer than just one night.” I rushed to finish my thought, seeing that they were both going to protest. “Your apartment doesn’t have security. I do. I have plenty of room, and more importantly, I want you here.”

“Champion, I can’t move in with you.” Electra shook her head. Her black hair was an agitated velvet curtain. “It’s too soon, but Ally can.”

“We can do whatever we want.” I frowned at her.

“It’s not the way things are done.” She bit down on her bottom lip.

“Is it too soon to start a life that you’ve only been half living?” I put that out there.

“No,” she said, her expression turning thoughtful.

For different reasons, we’d both been living half lives. I’d been doing it longer than her, long enough to know it sucked. I wasn’t doing it anymore, and neither was she.

Electra frowned at me. “But—”

“You love me. I love you.” My words were for Electra, but Ally gasped, her eyes rounding.

Yeah, I hadn’t given the two best friends time to talk together, or Electra would have already shared that significant development.

“Plus, I’ve missed out on twenty-one years with my daughter. I don’t plan to miss any additional moments. Not with you, not with her, not if I can help it.”
