Page 72 of Champion

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“I know you do.” She nodded thoughtfully. “We would need a transition period with you continuing to dance while training your replacement. I think Ally would be—”

“Not Ally,” I said firmly. “She can’t replace me.”

“Why not?” Mercedes’ brows rose.

“I’m not at liberty to say,” I said carefully. “You’ll have to talk to her.” If Mercedes didn’t know that Ally was Champion’s daughter, it wasn’t my place to share. “How about Ruby Collins?”

“She’s barely been here a month.” Mercedes’ lips thinned.

“She’s an experienced dancer. She has stage presence.” And after some unpleasantness at the club where she’d worked before, she needed the money desperately.

Mercedes pulled in a breath. “We’re discussing a lot of hypotheticals. As a businesswoman, I certainly hope you continue to dance. However, if you decide not to, and are willing to invest the time training Ruby, then I’ll agree to give her a chance.”

“Deal.” I offered Mercedes my hand, and she shook it. “Not that I’m quitting anytime soon. But theoretically.”

“We have a contingency plan. No harm in one of those.” She squeezed my hand and gave me a meaningful look. “Champion and I ended our arrangement by mutual agreement. He wasn’t the right guy for me, but if you give him a chance, I think he could be for you.”


“HAVE A SEAT.” Zack gestured to the empty spot in the booth beside him.

“Sure.” I stepped out of the aisle. All the other seats near the stage were filled.

There wasn’t even any room to stand at the back by the bar anymore. Since Mercedes announced Electra, everyone had moved closer, including me. I was like a running back pressing through a defensive line to get to where Zack was sitting with two other dancers who had already performed. Thankfully, my conversation in Mercedes’ office had kept me from seeing even a glimpse of Ally. But unfortunately, I couldn’t convince her to bench my daughter from performing.

“This is Candy.” Zack pointed to the brunette who was dressed in red and white stripes. “And this is Ruby.”

He gestured to the girl with long wine-colored hair. She had dark watchful eyes and barely looked old enough to be legal. But I knew Mercedes wouldn’t risk hiring her if she wasn’t.

“Nice to meet you,” I said politely.

Taking a seat, I kept my gaze on their faces rather than the significant amount of cleavage they were flaunting. My hands beneath the table curled into my palms. I rested them on my all-season wool pants, but my jaw was tight. I wasn’t a big fan of the setup at Fantasy. Sure, it was a classy establishment and everything was consensual, but I had a different perspective now, knowing that my daughter and my girlfriend worked here.

“Did you see Ally perform?” I asked.

Making eye contact with Zack, I hoped my best friend would say no. At some point, I needed to break it to him that she was my daughter, but I hadn’t gotten an opportunity yet.

“Yeah, I saw her.” He licked his lips, and I saw instant red. “She’s hot, but not my type. Why do you ask?” He narrowed his eyes and tilted his head, apparently noting the flames in mine. “What’s your problem? You didn’t say two words to me before you stomped to Mercedes’ office. I thought you were into Electra. You’re acting really strange tonight.”

“Sorry. I have a lot on my mind.”

Mainly that I had a daughter I never knew existed, and I’d fallen for a woman I was determined to keep but who wasn’t as firmly mine as I wanted her to be. Then there was the fact that I didn’t want Electra or Ally performing anymore, but there were other things like my expiring contract with the Lonestars that made me feel like I was walking up to the line to take the snap with only my center for protection from all the defensive players on the other team.

“I wanted to talk to you before Electra came on.”

“So, talk.” Zack spread his hands wide.

I wanted to discuss this privately, but that wasn’t going to happen. So, I had to prioritize, at least keep my best friend from ogling my woman and my daughter.

As the house lights lowered, I explained the best I could. “Electra is mine. If you so much as look at her in a way I don’t like, you and I are going to have words.”

In the suddenly hushed room, my voice carried.

“Well, okay.” Zack’s eyes rounded. “I get it. You pissed on her. She’s yours. I can respect that. Ladies.” He tipped his gaze to his companions and stood. “Let’s head to one of the private rooms. Leave my buddy free to be inspired by his woman.”

I wasn’t finished with my warnings. I needed to tell him to stay away from Ally, but the music started. Recognizing the song, I swiveled around, not even watching as they moved away. My mouth went dry as Electra stepped onto the stage. All other thoughts but her went on the back burner.

The spotlight stalked her like I did.
