Page 70 of Champion

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I braced for his answer. Maybe I was fired. In the other chair, I knew Ally had concerns of her own. But there was no way Jeremy knew about her relationship to Champion. We had never discussed it outside our apartment.

“Surprisingly, no, considering her history with Champion,” he said. “But she is worried. She doesn’t want to lose her best dancer.”

“She might lose two,” Ally muttered.

“Why is that?” Jeremy froze with a lipliner pencil hovering over Ally’s mouth. He’d only outlined the top half.

“Ally.” I shook my head at her. “Not a word. Nothing’s been decided.”

“You wound me.” Jeremy put a hand over his chest. “Every secret my darlings share in my sanctum is safe with me.”

“Truly?” I asked, giving him a pointed look.

“Everything, unless it could hurt Mercedes.” He was as protective of her as I was of Ally, and vice versa.

“Right.” I nodded. “So, you understand why we choose to remain silent.”

“But you are my baby darlings. My favorites, and I’m your friend too.” Displeased, he pursed his full lips that wore a flattering apricot sheen. “If your QB is pressuring you and your bestie to quit, you should tell me.”

“He’s not mine.” I didn’t confirm or deny the rest. I wanted Champion to be all mine. Declarations had been made, good ones, but not that type.

Not wanting to think about it right now, I stood. I reached for the coverup and the bikini with the tearaway pieces from the costume rack. I was doing Reem’s “Trips” tonight. It was a new number. I needed to concentrate.

“He is so yours, Miss Denial.” He resumed working the pencil over Ally’s mouth and waggled his brows that were outlined with rainbows and dusted with glitter. “You’re wonderful, and a sexy goddess. Of course he wants to keep you all for himself.”

I shook my head. “He doesn’t—”

“He does,” Jeremy said, waving his free hand. “He just lacked the right girl at the right time to put him in his place and flip that caveman switch inside him from I don’t care to maximum territorial. But I’ll pretend that nothing is going on, if you promise to give me a heads-up if you decide to leave Fantasy to become his full-time girlfriend.”

“She already is his girlfriend.” Ally nodded exuberantly.

“Ally, no.” I shook my head at her. There had only been one conversation between Champion and me, a very one-sided one.

“I knew it,” Jeremy said as if I hadn’t even spoken. “Now, who can we get for our dear Ally Cat, so she’s not left out.” His brown eyes twinkling, he tapped his lips with his makeup brush. “I think I know someone who always manages to be in a booth in the front row whenever our Kitty Cat dances.”

“Zack Steele.” I leaned forward. Finally, we were on a topic other than me.

“Just so.”

Jeremy and I exchanged knowing glances.

“You’re wrong. Zack isn’t interested in me like that.” Ally’s shoulders rose to nearly touch her ears. “He finds fault with nearly everything I do, and he growls at me, especially when there are other guys around.”

“Does he?” Jeremy asked, one of his brows inching up. “I find that tidbit very interesting.”

“You never told me about that.” I tilted my head, giving this new information some consideration. If Zack were attracted to Ally like she secretly was to him, I wondered why he’d never made a move.

“I gotta go.” Ally stood. “It’s time for my next number.”

It wasn’t time. She was running away because of our current topic. I wasn’t the only one who didn’t like being in the hot seat.

“Shine, beautiful,” I told her. No way was I going to push her about her feelings for Zack. Not here, at least. “Shine bright.”

“You too, bestie.” Ally pressed her lips to her cupped palm and blew me a kiss that I caught.

“So, Champion.” Jeremy started working on my eyes. “How good is he?”

“I don’t kiss and tell,” I said, my eyes meeting Jeremy’s in the mirror. “But I will say his name applies, both on and off the field.”
