Page 53 of Champion

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Of course he had an office and his own workout area.

“How many square feet is it?” I asked.

“Ninety-five hundred.”

Holy shit. It wasn’t just hotel-like. It was nearly as big as one.

“Bedrooms?” I asked.

“Five with en-suite baths.” He shrugged one muscular shoulder. “I got tired of sharing a bathroom with all those guys in New England. I didn’t want anyone who visited me to have to share. And at one time, I hoped ...” He trailed off, his expression going from open to closed.

“You hoped what?” I asked, tilting my head.

“I hoped to have a family to fill it.” Darkness drifted over his handsome face, and he slipped his hand from mine and turned away. “But I realized shortly after I moved in what a pipe dream that was.”

“Why can’t you have a family?” I was curious and confused. He was gorgeous, sexy, and rich. He could have any woman.

“A lot of reasons.” He turned to face me again, his brow furrowed.

“Such as?”

“My schedule, for one.” He raked a hand through his shoulder-length hair, looking a little uncomfortable. “My job demands not just some, but most of my time.”

“What about during the off-season?” I asked.

“The most I get is five months off.” He held my gaze, seeming as interested in my response to what he shared as I was to receive the information. “But that means we didn’t make the playoffs.”

“You’re down when that happens.”

“Yeah, I’m very competitive.” His expression turned sheepish. “I train doubly hard after a disappointing season.”

I nodded. He wouldn’t have achieved what he had if he didn’t have that mindset. “I’m competitive too,” I said and bit down on my lip. “Or I was at one time.”

“You mean with dance?”

I nodded once.

“I’m sorry, Electra.” He took a step toward me. “I still think you could pursue—”

“No, I can’t.” I cut him off. I couldn’t allow that dream to resurface. “I understand being busy.” Busy, I didn’t think about that closed door that would never reopen. “I spend a lot of my free time like I did before exercising and dancing.”

Being a headliner came with a lot of pressure. Plus, exercise kept me limber. If I didn’t dance every day, my back got stiff and my performance suffered.

“It’s obvious you do.” He gave me an appreciative scan that made my nipples tighten and tingle. “You’re as busy as I am. I imagine it’s difficult for you to connect meaningfully with anyone.”

“You’re right.” I wrinkled my nose. “I don’t make a habit of dating guys from the club, and away from it, if I meet someone and they find out what I do, well, let’s just say they don’t make me proud of it like you did.”

“You should be proud,” he said. “You’re a brilliant dancer and a strong, confident, beautiful woman.”

“Thank you.”

Warmth filled my chest. Internally, I twirled like I did onstage beneath a spotlight. Champion didn’t make me feel too young or beneath him. He treated me like he believed what he said.

“I’m proud of you too,” I said. “Not that my opinion means all that much.”

Champion had the entire world giving him accolades. He didn’t need mine, a damaged dancer’s praise.

“It means something. A lot, actually.” He dipped his chin and glanced at me through his spiky golden lashes. “Because you mean a lot to me, Electra.”
