Page 39 of Champion

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He was Mercedes’ best friend. What she knew, he knew, and vice versa. That was how I’d learned about Champion’s arrangement with my boss.

“Yes, I know who it is, my curious darlings.” He shook his head. “But I’m not telling.”

“C’mon,” Ally sang. “Give us something. At least a little hint.”

“This VIP isn’t coming alone.” His light brown eyes twinkling, he turned Ally’s chair around. “He’ll have your nemesis with him.”

“Zack?” Ally asked.

When Jeremy nodded to confirm, she pursed her lips that he had just applied nude lipstick to. She no longer looked like a stripper but a glamourous runway model.

“Mr. Arrogance. Oh joy.” Ally’s lips thinned, and her hands in her lap curled into fists. “I thought he was out of town. Who did he ask for tonight?”

“He asked for you.” Jeremy pointed his eyeliner pencil at me.

“I don’t do lap dances.”

And I would never, ever consider doing one for Zack. Ally had a crush on him as serious as my secret one on Champion. She hid her longing beneath her indignation, but I knew her hatred was only a cover. It hurt her feelings that the handsome wide receiver had never once asked for private time with her.

“Electra.” Mercedes appeared like Ally had only a few moments before, only she announced her arrival with a knock on the door frame. “Girls.” She passed her green gaze over Ally and fixed it on Jeremy. “I need you to introduce Electra tonight.”

“As you wish, my queen.” Jeremy dropped the nude lipstick pencil in the blinged-out decorative vase beneath the gilded mirror. Everything in the dressing room was his design and sparkled like he did. “How do I look?”

He smoothed his talented hands down his sides. He always wore bright colors, and tonight was no exception. He’d paired a purple velveteen smoking jacket with matching matchstick pants.

“You look fabulous,” I said, and the others affirmed him with similar compliments.

Jeremy pretended he didn’t really care, but those closest to him knew he was painfully sensitive when it came to his own appearance.

“Thank you, my beautiful darlings.” He blew air kisses to Ally and me and exited alongside Mercedes.

“Why do you think Mercedes isn’t introducing you?” Ally tilted her head, her blond hair nearly the same shade as Champion’s, spilling in beautiful beach curls over her slender shoulder.

“I don’t know.” My chest tight, I bit down on my lip. “She’s been acting strange since I returned from Saint Croix. Has something happened? Has she said anything to you?” I worried what she’d do if she found out about Champion and me.

“No, she hasn’t, but don’t do that,” Ally said, frowning as she pointing at my mouth with her gaze. “You’ll ruin your lipstick.”

“Right.” I firmed my shoulders and stood. I needed to focus on reality. “It’s time to do this.”

“Let me help you.” Ally stood too.

Crossing to the rack that contained all the dancers’ costumes, she selected mine. As I put it on and she fastened the Velcro, I went through the steps of my number in my head.

I’d finished choreographing my favorite Reem song in that tree on Saint Croix, but there was only one problem. Post-Champion, I didn’t feel like a phoenix rising from the ashes. I felt like wallowing in the dirt.

“You okay, El?” Ally tapped my arm.

“I’m trying to be.” Familiar pressure built behind my heavily made-up eyes.

“I know you are.” She squeezed my arm. “I really wish you would talk more about what happened. I think it would help.”

“I just can’t.” I shook my head.

“You said the guy was involved with someone else, that it’s over between you, but the way you’ve been moping around doesn’t say over to me. Maybe—”

“No, Ally.” I reached out and covered her hand with mine. “It’s better for me to move on and forget about him.” Staring into her sky-blue eyes that were so like her father’s, I knew that was my only option.

“The one and only Electra is performing a brand-new number to dazzle us tonight.” Jeremy was onstage, but his rich voice drifted into the dressing room from the ceiling-mounted speaker.
