Page 35 of Champion

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Only two major jets per day connected Saint Croix’s airport to Miami. From Miami, I would have to change planes to continue on to Dallas. Lucky for me that felt unlucky, I was able to snag the last available seat on this flight.

Once again, I cast my mind backward.

I remembered hurrying to the window and drawing back my hotel room curtain. As I’d watched Champion get into his Jeep, the pressure inside my chest had built, and it remained painful now, hours later. But I didn’t regret that last look because from here on out, I would only see him on my television.

Absently, I rubbed my chest. It hurt so badly, I was finding it difficult to breathe. But it was done. My boss calling was a wakeup call. What I’d shared with Champion was a dream. Everyone knew those ended at dawn.

“You still there?” Ally asked, her voice traveling thousands of miles to make it into my ear.

“Yeah,” I said. Balancing my phone between my shoulder and my head, I made my way down the narrow aisle of the plane. “Runaway” by Tara George was the song on constant replay in my mind.

“But you didn’t answer my question.”

“I was in the middle of boarding.”

Glancing at my printed boarding pass, I stopped as I reached my row. The seat on the aisle was blocked by a man, a very large one. He gave me an interested look, and I sighed.

“The window seat is mine,” I said and let go of the handle on my roller bag to gesture.

“Right.” He stood and stepped into the aisle, his body brushing mine. “Let me put your bag in the overhead compartment for you.”

“Thank you,” I said, noting that he was tall but not taller than Champion. Handsome but not even close to Champion’s level. And though he was muscular, of course he couldn’t compete.

I let out a long sigh. I was destined to be disappointed comparing any man to Champion.

“You still there?” Ally asked again, breathing a sigh of exasperation.

“Yes, I’m here.” But only as much as I had to be. My world was gray. I was just going through the motions. My wall back up, I no longer saw the sunlight or felt its warmth like I had when I’d been with Champion.

Tears threatening, I scooted down the row and put my ass in my assigned seat.

“So, why are you coming back early?” Ally asked.

I squeezed my eyes shut. Because I’d made a mistake, and I needed her.

Closing my eyes was a mistake too. Champion’s handsome face swam behind my lids. His scent drifted to my nostrils. I hadn’t showered. I’d just thrown everything in my carry-on and gotten the hell out of my hotel room before I could be tempted to change my mind.

“You didn’t do anything touristy, did you?” Ally didn’t temper her displeasure with me.

“I went to a local club,” I said, feeling defensive. “I did some dancing.”

“With a guy?” she asked.

“Oh yeah.” The guy, one who made all the previous guys seem insignificant. Probably the ones after him too.

“Give me some details, El,” she said tersely.

“I can’t right now.” I opened my eyes to find the handsome guy staring at me, and I glanced away. Looking out my window, I pretended to watch the workers loading the luggage.

And that was when I saw him. Champion. Running through the inside of the terminal.

“I have to go,” I told Ally as the plane’s engines started up. “We’re getting ready to take off.”

“We’ll talk when you get here,” she said in a tone that brooked no argument.

“All right.” I swallowed hard. “I love you.”
