Page 29 of Champion

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THANKFULLY, ROOM SERVICE delivered right after I dropped that emotional bomb on Electra. Fresh fruit, pancakes, bacon, and two freshly squeezed orange juices, it was all very appealing, but not as appealing as her.

We ate on her balcony. Our chairs were angled toward the food and each other. I was drawn toward Electra as if starving and she were the only thing that could satisfy my hunger. Every moment I spent with her made me greedier for another.

There was something between us, something worth exploring. But how was I going to convince her?

As if she heard my silent question, she glanced at me and tilted her head. Her hair spilled over her shoulder, the ends caressing her tits.

I bit back a groan, watching her nipples harden beneath the silk. “The food’s delicious.” My voice rough like my emotions around her, I searched for the right words. What could I say to get her on the same page?

“I agree.” Her gaze on mine, she licked the mango compote from the tines of her fork. “Thanks for ordering and paying for it.”

“You’re welcome.”

I watched a gust of wind flutter the hem of her slinky violet chemise. It was pretty. She was enticing in it, but I wanted to get her naked again, get my mouth on her, then hers on me. As I imagined it, my already hard cock began to throb inside my boxer briefs. I’d had her three times, I should be sated, but I wasn’t. Three times wasn’t nearly enough.

Fuck talking, there were other ways to convince her.

I leaned across the table and touched my mouth to hers. She tasted fruity, delicious, and like everything I wanted. When I pulled back, her beautiful silver eyes fluttered open. I swept my tongue across my lips, savoring her flavor.

“Champion,” she said softly, looking unfocused.

She dug me the way I dug her. There was undeniable chemistry between us.

I skated my fingertips down her arm and across her upper thighs. She followed the caress with her gaze and shivered.

“Wanna go back inside?” she asked huskily.

“In a moment.”

I wanted to sink my aching cock inside her hot pussy again, but for the first time in a very long time, sex wasn’t all I was after. I wanted something more elusive and more difficult to obtain. Her. To get it, to get her longer than one night, I was going to have to employ everything I could think of. Sex, yes, that was a given, but I also needed to know more about her.

“What part of Texas are you from?”

“The panhandle.” Her gaze lifted, the smokiness of passion clearing.

“What did your parents do for a living?”

“My dad was an accountant, mostly for cattle companies.” Her expression softened as she thought about him. “He was logical. He loved numbers, but he also loved music the way I do.”

“And your mother?” I leaned forward, eager to know more.

“She was a gymnastics teacher.” Electra’s gaze turned unfocused. “She wanted me to follow in her footsteps and become a gymnast, but I always preferred dance.”

“What was your sister like?” I asked gently, not wanting her to shut down on me.

“Imaginative. Smart. Sweet.” Electra fiddled with the hem of her chemise, a ghost of a smile appearing on her tempting lips. “She was so kindhearted, she couldn’t stand to see any creature hurting, even a gecko. She was scared to death of them, but would use a magazine and a glass to catch the ones that came into the house. She set them free outside.”

“Why was she scared of geckos?” I grinned in response to Electra’s story, to her, to the joy I felt that she was sharing these cherished details with me.

“I asked her that once.” Her ghost of a smile grew. “She told me they were unpredictable. That they scurried, and that she was afraid they would scurry on her.” She tilted her head. “Why are you asking so many questions about my family?”

“They’re important to you.”

“Yes, of course they are, but ...” She trailed off as a few droplets suddenly splattered on her. “Oh no,” she exclaimed, jumping up, and I did too.

Wrapping my arm around her, I ushered her toward the shelter of her room, but we were too slow to escape the unexpected downburst. It went from a few fat drops to a deluge. Her chemise was instantly soaked. Ditto on me and my boxers.

“We should get these dishes inside,” she said, glancing back.
