Page 22 of Champion

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He got a much longer glimpse of me naked, and I didn’t try to hide. I let him have his moment, a long one. My nipples tightened to points that tingled beneath his regard. Between my legs, a liquid heat pooled.

“I can’t wait to touch and taste you,” he said on a growl.

I couldn’t wait for him to either.

He slid closer and yanked the sheet up to cover us. His gorgeous eyes glowed like butane flames inside our tent. Throwing one of his powerful thighs over me, he straddled my legs and sat back on his haunches to look at me.

“Champion,” I said but floundered.

Gazing up at him, I swallowed hard. There seemed to be more than only desire for sex within his eyes. There was probably more within mine that I needed to get under wraps, but that was difficult to do with him caging me.

“Don’t overthink this.” He reached out to frame my face.

My entire body shimmered in anticipation as he brought my mouth to his. Those lips were firm, velvety-warm perfection.

“Champion.” I sighed from the bliss. My palms landing on his solid chest, I felt his heart racing, just like mine.

“I need to taste you again.” Tenderly, he brushed the firmness of his lips across the plushness of mine.

It was just a teasing touch, but the heat he ignited wasn’t a joke. My body was dry kindling, desire spreading fast like a wind-whipped forest fire.

“Love your lips,” he said low. “They’re soft like the petal of a flower. Kissing you is an addiction. More of you is the only cure.”

My eyes fluttered open. His handsome face was so close, I could see the darker pixels in his gaze. I would happily drown in those Caribbean-blue eyes of his. They—he—had fascinated me since Ally first showed me his photo.

“I love the way you kiss,” I said, then wet my lips.

Thinking of my friend made doubts that I’d suppressed return. Like bubbles, they came to the surface, but they popped as if his gaze were a needle. One by one, they disappeared until they were all gone.

Wanting more of him, I wrapped my arms around his neck. “Do it again.”

“Do what?” he asked, tilting his head.

“Kiss me,” I said. “Soft like you do, then hard.”

“My pleasure.”

He angled one way, and I angled my head the other. Our mouths came together, perfectly soft for a moment, then harder.

Slipping his tongue between my willingly parted lips, he led the dance between us. His cock grew harder with each stroke. My own urgency rose, crashing over me as if it had been days rather than only moments since he’d been inside me.

He kissed me deeper, and I kissed him back with abandon. Writhing restlessly beneath him, I arched, pressing my swollen breasts and their aching tips into his deliciously hard chest.

“Electra,” he murmured against my mouth while I shamelessly rocked my needy pussy over the steely length of him. “You’re so hot, and I love how responsive you are.”

He tugged on my hair. That elicited a sting that made my scalp burn like the rest of me. Pushing his tongue into my mouth again, he devoured me.

I tangled my fingers in his silky hair and yanked, letting him know without using words how much I liked what he did and how wild with passion he made me.

He widened his mouth and twirled his tongue, kissing me so deeply, I spun. Gravity was no longer the axis of my rapidly rotating world. He was.


He broke the seal between our lips and rained hot kisses along my jaw. Following the column of my neck, he pressed his mouth into the sensitive hollow just above my collarbone. My pulse thrummed beneath the flutter of his tongue.

“Champion, that feels so good.”

Throbbing between my legs, I drew in a sharp breath, then let it out in a pleasurable rush as he went lower, latching around my budded nipple. Glancing up at me through his dark blond lashes, he drew the hardened tip deep and laved it with his wet tongue. I shuddered, feeling that tug in my clit, and just about came.
