Page 13 of Champion

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“Whoa.” He didn’t disappoint. His brows rose. “That is young.”

“I realize.” I scrubbed my dripping face with the towel. Closing my eyes, I recalled everything about her. She was pretty and sexy with all those curves. But there was something about her, something in her eyes that made her seem older. “She’s intelligent, challenging, confident, and sexy.”

“Sounds intriguing.” He spread his hands wide. “So, why are you here and not with her?”

“I asked her out.” I frowned as I remembered her response. “She said no.”

“That stung, I’ll bet.” He smirked.

“Asshole,” I said without any real heat.

Trinidad was right. It did sting, but it didn’t deter me.

“She likes to dance.” I smiled. “That’s what caught my attention. She was dancing in a tamarind tree.”

“You’re kidding.” His eyes rounded. “That must have been something to see.”

“It was.” I nodded. “I parked the Jeep on the side of the road, got out, and chased her.” I purposefully omitted some details, knowing I’d crossed a few boundaries. “I asked for her number, but she refused to give it to me.”

“To her, you were just a stranger who stalked her. She’s cautious. Good for her.” Trinidad gave me a censuring glance while rubbing his whiskered chin. “Or did she recognize you?”

“She knew who I was.” That part I didn’t like, though it was expected. “But she’s not a football fan. In fact, she shared she has a pretty low opinion of football players.”

“Interesting.” His expression turned thoughtful. “So, to summarize. She’s hot and treated you like a regular guy.”

“Less than one,” I mumbled. “She turned me down.”

“Refreshing.” His lips tipped up. “I’d love to meet her. Most women wanna kiss your sorry ass.”

“And recount the experience for cash,” I muttered. I’d stopped dating completely after one of those fiascos.

“But you’re planning to see her again.” His dark brown eyes narrowed. “Right?”

“Definitely,” I said. “Or at least I hope to. She didn’t agree to a date, but she told me to leave my number with her front desk, which I did, along with the name of that club you like.”

“She call you?” he asked. “Let you know she got the message?”

“No.” I exhaled.

He winced. “Sorry, man.” He gave my shoulder a commiserative tap.

“I’m still gonna go. She might show.”

Electra had made meeting her sound sort of like a test. Even without confirmation, I was going to make an appearance, just in case she came.

Staring at my towel, I twisted it in my grip and glanced up. “You wanna go with me?”

“In case she stands you up?”

“Yeah.” I shrugged like that wasn’t a possibility or a big deal. But, yeah, it had been a long time since I’d been shot down. Twice in one day was going to dent my ego for sure.

“I’ll pass. I think this is a situation where you need to go alone.”

Fuck me.

“That’s what I thought you would say.” I was going in with no backup.

“Take a chance, Champ. Step outside your comfort zone. You might crash and burn, or you might find something worth having for a change. Maybe even worth holding on to.”
