Page 101 of Champion

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“Electra,” Champion called. “We’re gonna be late, baby. Fuck!” he exclaimed, and Mr. Smooches shot past him. “What the hell are you doing on all fours wearing just a sexy lace bra and panties?”

Um ...

“You’re going to be late, naughty girl.” His heat and his pine, leather, and mint scent hit me before his palm smacked my ass.

I yelped. The pleasure-pain vibrations rippled through me like rings from a stone thrown in a pond.

“Damn, baby.” He smoothed his warm hand over the sting.

My nipples tightened, and my needy pussy clutched in response to his touch. His fully clothed body covering me, he cupped my breasts and squeezed them just right to send a bolt of lust straight to my clit.

“Champion,” I said on a moan.

“That’s it, baby.” His voice rough and sexy, he strummed my tight nipples. “My baby.”

His humid breath rushed over the sensitive skin beneath my ear. Tingling everywhere, I gasped when he reached inside my bra and pinched my peaked nipples. Feeling that clutch of pleasure between my quivering legs, I pressed my legs together as heat rushed to my core.

“I need your cock inside me,” I begged.

“Are you wet, baby?” he asked darkly and nipped my earlobe.

“Yes. I get wet anytime you touch me.”

“I want to fuck you now.”

His hands roamed. Along the edges of my body, he skimmed the sides of my breasts. His palm on the base of my spine, he pumped his hard cock against my ass. The denim of his jeans was rough against my naked skin.

“Feel me?” he asked low.


His cock was hot and thick behind his zipper. More heat rushed to my core. My heart racing, I panted, every muscle already straining for the finish line, knowing how good it was when he was inside me.

“Fuck me, please.” I wiggled my ass backward.

“My pleasure.”

“Ours,” I said sassily.

“Soon, babe.”

He disappeared suddenly, and I heard the rustle of his clothing. Cooler room air rushing over me, I glanced over my shoulder. Gazing down at me possessively, he removed his jeans. His boxer briefs followed. Seeing his cock spring free, I licked my dry lips.

“Stay,” he said and gave me what I hungered for.

Kneeling in front of me, he fed me his cock. I sucked him, licking the sensitive underside from base to swollen crown the way he liked. The sexy groans he made nearly made me come.

With my eyes rapt on his hungry ones, he seemed to know how close I was. He slid his cock out of my greedy mouth. Rising, he moved. In position behind me, he ran worshipful hands all over me, then grasped my panties, ripping the delicate lace in half. My aching pussy spasmed. Wetness dripped down my thighs.

“Champion.” I moaned as he drove his hard cock inside me. “Yes, please. More,” I begged, taking the pounding he gave me.

“Electra. Baby.” Again and again, he drove deep. “You are so hot.”

Wet slaps filled the air. The fiery edge drew near. He reached around and pinched my slippery clit.

“Champion!” I squeezed my eyes shut as I came.

Hammering into me, he stiffened. I spasmed rhythmically around him, seeing stars. I took, and he gave, filling me. Pulse after white-hot pulse, his release prolonged my own.
