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Her gaze drifts beyond me to Kaia, but she doesn’t respond, instead turning at the first stirrings of a lively song. The buzz of voices becomes louder, punctuated by the occasional laugh or shout.

The party is well underway by the time we step into the square, and the jovial conversation of the people closest to us soon fades to stunned silence. Their eyes dart from Kaia to Elora to me, and then they slowly drop into deep curtsies or bows.

The more people take note, the more they follow suit until all talking and music has stopped. The only sound left is the crackle and pop of the bonfire as it ignites the large tower of tree limbs laid out in the middle of the square.


Corinne’s happy greeting seems to jerk the crowd out of their trance, and the conversation resumes as Corinne weaves her way toward us. She stops in front of me and bobs a quick curtsy before turning to Elora.

“What a lovely surprise it is to see you here.” She takes a step back, smiling at Elora’s gown. “And you look so beautiful!”

Elora smooths nervous fingers down her skirt. “Thank you. I hope it’s all right we’ve come.” She glances up at me. “We don’t want to make things uncomfortable.”

“Don’t be silly. You’re more than welcome.” Corinne turns her bright smile on me. “All of you. Of course, my lord. Can I bring you anything to drink?”

“Oh, I—”

“Yes. Thank you.”

Elora looks up at me as Corinne races off, disappearing around the edge of the fire. Her gaze catches on the musicians sitting just beyond the flames, testing their instruments and calling songs to each other.

“I haven’t danced in ages,” she admits, watching the handful of people make space as the next tune begins.

“Neither have I.”

She smiles softly, the frown smoothing from her brow for the first time since we arrived. I want to pull her close, ask her to dance with me, but Corinne returns with ale in simple wooden cups and passes one to each of us.

“To life after death,” Corinne toasts, lifting her cup and taking a sip.

“To the promise of rebirth. And to the god who rules both.”

Elora surprises me by finishing my tribute and takes a deep drink, watching me over the rim of her cup. The fact that she even knows it warms something inside me.

“Could I steal you, my lady?”

Elora glances up at me.

“I’ll be watching,” I say, and her eyes drop to my mouth before darting back up to meet my gaze. “Behave yourself.”

Corinne reaches for Elora’s hand and leads her off into the crowd, Elora peeking back at me over her shoulder until I lose her among the revelers. I can sense her, but I don’t like not being able to see her. I’m just about to go in search of her when she reappears next to an old woman and a man probably somewhere around her own age.

They exchange a few words, and jealousy flares in my chest when his hand moves to her elbow. He leans close to her ear, and whatever he says has her looking away from him. Her eyes scan the crowd, and I’m not sure what she’s searching for. Until she finds me.

We share a long look before she turns to the man and nods. He leads her to the edge of the group of dancers and lays his hand about her waist, taking her other in his own.

I grit my teeth as she nervously follows his lead, faltering in the steps until finally finding her footing. The music speeds up, and she grins wide as they twirl and weave among the other dancers.

She’s perfect. Her long, dark hair flies around her face and shoulders while her skirts swirl around her legs. When the song ends, the man gives her a dramatic twirl, and she laughs, clapping for the musicians even as another song begins.

Another man steps up to ask for a dance, and just like the first time, her eyes find me in the crowd before she agrees.

“You should ask her to dance,” Kaia says at my elbow.

“I haven’t danced in years.”

“I hardly see what that has to do with anything. It isn’t as if you’ve forgotten the steps.” She nudges my elbow. “Go before you make a scene over all these men asking her instead.”

Moving into the crowd, Kaia greets a couple seated near the fire as if they’re old friends. Then again, Kaia greets most people that way, whether she knows them or not. I don’t know how she has the stomach for it.
