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“Oh, how wonderful. I hope you enjoy your time there.”

She moves away, calling for the goats to follow her, and I can’t help but smile as they dutifully trail in her wake. The draft horse nickers at my arrival at the paddock gate, and I run my hand down his nose, slipping him one of the apples I brought with me.

Meera pokes her head out of her stall when I step into the barn and huffs at the sight of me. She’s annoyed I’ve stayed away for a few days, lost in my research. But it was time well spent, because I found a few more passages that are starting to paint a picture of how I might actually get past Thieran’s wards.

I have one more angle I want to research, but before I make another visit to the library, I need to stretch my legs and stop avoiding Videva.

“I’m sorry,” I croon, unsheathing the dagger strapped to my thigh and cutting the other apple I brought in half. “I should have come sooner. But I have a gift for you.”

Holding the apple on my outstretched palm, I offer it to her. She gives me a long, meaningful look before nipping it from my hand and munching away. I move to open the stall door, and she gives the other half of the apple a pointed stare.

Chuckling, I let her take that one too. “You’re so spoiled. What am I going to do with you?”

“I ask myself that question every day.”

Thieran’s voice makes me jump, and I whirl around to face him. No robes today, just a pair of black leather breeches and a black tunic. His dark hair frames a pale face, and those ice-blue eyes seem to glow in the dim light of the barn.

He crosses his arms over his chest and leans a shoulder against the wide entrance, his gaze raking over me from head to toe and eliciting a shiver.

I have successfully avoided being alone with Thieran since our romp in the forest. I see him at dinner every night, but there’s always the presence of other people shielding me. Although Iluna has finally left. Thank the gods.

“Did you need something?”

“Is that a requirement to speak to you?” There’s a teasing note to his voice, but something else too.

“Today it is. I’m busy.”

He moves toward me, and I feel his presence at my back like the heaviness of a coming storm. How did I not know he was there before? He never fails to invade every sense I have whenever he’s near.

“Busy doing what?”

I sigh, eager to get away from him and move on with my day. “I’m taking Meera into the village, and then we’re going for a ride.”

“I’ll take you.”

His expression says his offer might have caught him as off guard as it’s caught me, but he doesn’t rescind it.

“That’s really not necessary. Meera and I can wander on our own. I’m sure you have…better things to do.”

“I insist.”

“I don’t need walking,” I snap, Iluna’s words ringing in my ears.

Thieran raises a brow. “Explain.”

I move to push around him to fetch Meera’s saddle, but he grabs my arm and pulls me up against his chest.

“Now, Elora.”

“Whatever Iluna thinks, I am not your pet. And I—”

“When did she say that to you?”

I lift my chin against the embarrassment that blooms bright inside me at the memory of her insult. “The other day when I saw her in the library.”

His eyes darken to storm clouds, and he loosens his grip on my arm but doesn’t release me. “I have never seen you as such. Iluna is—”

“Just like all the other gods.” His eyes narrow on my face. “Tell me, my lord, why did the gods choose to rule over the very people they seem to despise? Surely we’d all be better off without you.”
