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Passing a hand down my front, I exchange my dirty robes for fresh ones and clean the blood from my face. Not the leisurely washing up I was looking forward to, but the result is the same.

“My study,” I say before shifting.

She appears behind me moments later, and I round the desk, waiting for her to take a chair opposite. When she does, I conjure two glasses of wine and offer her one.

“The suspense is killing me,” I say, growing impatient as she adjusts her skirts, taking a sip of her wine before folding her hands in her lap.

“I spoke with Aeris before I came.”

My eyebrows wing up, but she pauses for dramatic effect before continuing. It is one of my least favorite things about her.

“She said a forest guardian crossed the veil and found its way into Acaria a few months ago. Into her territory.”

“Not quite that long ago, but I’m aware. It’s been handled.”

She takes another sip of wine, eyes traveling over the room, but doesn’t make to speak again.

“Is that all?”

“If the problem with the veil is getting worse—”

“The veil is fine.” For now. “I know you can sense it almost as well as I can.”

She purses her lips and tilts her head. Dark court gods possess a connection to the Shadow Realm as I do; it just isn’t as strong as mine. Even Kaia, who spends more time here than she does in Acaria, isn’t as entwined with the realm as I am.

“It does feel strong.”

I nod in confirmation. She doesn’t need to know about Garrick’s latest report or his concerns. Or that Railan shares them. Both because it’s probably nothing and because my problems are my own. The Shadow Realm is my responsibility, and I am handling it.

“Was there something else?”

She takes a deep breath, studying me with wide, calculating eyes meant to look innocent. I’m not sure Iluna has been innocent a day in her life.

“About the queen?” I prompt.

“The queen?”

I force myself not to roll my eyes, fingers tightening on the glass in my hand. “You said something about her last night at dinner. Before I had to leave.”

“Oh.” The look on her face turns sour. “Yes. The queen. She’s already begun preparations for the winter ball.”

I know this information already, but I don’t want to jeopardize Kaia’s spies, so I simply lift a brow and feign surprise.

“So early? The ball isn’t for several more weeks.”

Iluna gives a knowing nod. “It’s a curious thing, isn’t it? Normally she hates the winter ball, but this year I’ve heard she’s ordered extra food and decorations.”

Iluna launches into a rundown of all the early preparations she’s heard about from her high court sources, and I wonder if she’s still fucking the Goddess of Wisdom and War behind closed doors while they pretend to hate each other in public. It was never an arrangement I understood. Until now.

Elora’s declaration that she hated me only made me want to fuck her harder. Only made her seem to fuck me harder in return. I want more of that fire from her. It’s intoxicating. Addicting enough to get lost in.

“—a mortal.”


Iluna huffs. “Are you even paying attention to what I’m saying?”

“Of course,” I lie. “You said something about seeing Elora at dinner.”
