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His face softens, and he steps toward me, resting his hands on my shoulders and giving them a gentle squeeze. “Your parents aren’t here. And even if they were, I wouldn’t do that to you.” He pauses, dropping his hands. “Or to them.”

It’s an answer that only brings up more questions. Does he mean they’re not here in this house? Or not in Videva? Or not in the Shadow Realm at all because they chose to reincarnate? But I don’t have the time to voice any of it because he raps on the door, and it swings in almost instantly on a girl much too young to be my mother.

“My lord.” She drops into a deep curtsy. Then her eyes light up when she sees Kaia, and she does another bob. “My lady. What an honor. Would you like to come in for some tea? Or we’ve fresh bread just from the fire.”

“No, thank you,” Thieran says in a tone that is gentle and kind.

It surprises me, but now that I’m looking closer, I can see the girl is not afraid of the God of Death as I would expect her to be. And isn’t that a curious thing.

“I’ve come to show my…guest,” he decides, sweeping me with a look somewhere between amusement and challenge, “around the stables.”

My whole body lights up at the word. Yes, I miss Meera terribly, but I also miss a good, hard ride through an open field, the wind in my hair, and a strong, sure horse under me. This surprise might be worth the time spent in Thieran’s presence after all. Assuming it isn’t a trick and he actually lets me ride beyond the wards.

“Of course, my lord.”

The girl steps out and leads us around the side of the house, away from the pasture. A soft sigh escapes me when I see the small stable and paddock. A draft horse towers over the fence and chuffs when he sees us. His coat is shiny and his mane is clean.

When Thieran reaches up to run a hand down the horse’s nose, he leans into him and not away. Another surprise. Thieran murmurs something to him I cannot hear as we step through the paddock’s gate and cross to the stable.

“In the last stall, my lord. A bit skittish still, but we’ve put down fresh hay and water.”

“Thank you,” Thieran says in obvious dismissal.

The girl drops another deep curtsy, and then we’re alone in the barn. It’s small, with only three stalls and tack hanging on pegs on the back wall. The first two stalls are empty, but even without the girl’s direction, it’s clear the third stall is occupied. And by a horse who doesn’t altogether like its living arrangements.

Stepping up to the stall, I inhale sharply. It can’t be. Jerking around to look at Thieran, I see him leaning one shoulder against the stall next to me, his arms crossed over his chest.

“I-it’s not possible,” I breathe.

“Obviously it is.”

I shake my head, blinking back the tears stubbornly gathering in my eyes. “But how?”

His smile is teasing and a little arrogant. “Magick.”

Power shimmers at his fingertips until a swirl of black smoke pours from them and spins into a tiny cyclone. I turn back to the stall when the horse nickers, and when our eyes meet, Meera takes a step forward.

I run my hand down the side of her neck and press my forehead to her nose. It’s only been a few weeks, but it feels like years.

“Is it a trick?”

I don’t realize I’ve said it out loud until Thieran scoffs. “The things you think of me. Of course it’s not a trick. That is your horse, isn’t it?”

Meera huffs in agreement, bumping my shoulder, and I smile. “It is.”

“Well then. I’ve made it so you can come see her whenever you like, and there’s plenty of space for you to ride without getting…lost.”

Even Kaia snorts at that.

“Thank you,” I whisper, not trusting my voice with more.

“You’re welcome,” he replies. “Hopefully this means you’ll stop sulking in your rooms.”

I shake my head but don’t dignify him with an answer. I’m too happy to rise to his prodding. He turns to go, and I immediately start thinking of saddling Meera and giving us both a workout in the empty field beyond the paddock.

“Elora,” he says, pausing at the entrance to the barn. “Do try and make it to dinner tonight. Your absence is noted. And unappreciated.”

Now that gets my attention, but he and Kaia are both gone in a breath.
