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“A lucky blow, I’m sure.”

Her eyes darken, and just like the other day, I’m tempted to yank her against me and claim her mouth, to trail my lips over every inch of her skin until she’s begging me for more. I think I might like to hear Elora beg. But I’ll tuck that away for another time.

“I haven’t landed a lucky blow since the day I vowed never to be a victim again.”

“Until today.”

Anticipating her before she can shove the blade further, I wrap my fingers around her wrist and pivot, slamming her body against the wall. I apply pressure to her wrist, and the knife clatters to the ground.

She struggles against my hold, but I keep her firmly pinned, hands on her wrists.

“You are nothing against me,” I remind her, and she goes still.

“I am not nothing.” Every word is laced with venom, and her body tenses.

“What are you going to do, little one?” She struggles against me, and I tighten my grip just enough to have her go still again. “You can’t kill the God of Death.”

“But it might be fun to try.”

I chuckle. “I may actually enjoy that. I imagine you would be fun to spar with.”

“Was there anything else you wanted to ask me? My lord.”

I hate the way she sneers my title. I’ve never particularly cared for it, but she hurls it like an insult with razor-sharp barbs. Dropping her wrists, I put distance between us.

I’m damn well ready to be rid of her, but the fact of the matter is until I discover another solution, I need her right now. The truth of it sticks in my throat.

I don’t love the idea of giving her free rein over the palace. She’s liable to sneak into my rooms in the middle of the night and slit my throat just to watch me bleed out and knit myself back together. But the more comfortable she becomes, the more I’m able to study her, and the easier it may be to understand her effect on the realm. And that is knowledge I can’t do without.

“I’ve decided to let you out.”

“You’re letting me go? Back to Rhagana?” The hope in her voice almost makes me regret my next words. Almost.

“No. I’m releasing you from the tower. Lady Kaia will be back shortly to show you to your rooms.”

When I turn for the door, she matches my pace, slapping her hand against it when I reach for the knob.

“You cannot keep me in the Shadow Realm indefinitely. You have to let me go sometime.”

I flash her a grin that has her taking a step back. “Are you sure about that?”

Disappearing through the door, I wave my protections back in place and shift to where I sense Kaia’s presence. She doesn’t look all that surprised to see me, but her eyes widen with my next words.

“You can give her rooms close to yours.” As far away from me as I can manage without putting her in the nearby village.

“You’re actually going to give her rooms?” Kaia asks. “And you want me to do it?”

“She likes you. Or at least she tolerates you more than me.”

And I need a plan to get more information from her to solve my little problem before I lay eyes on her again.

“All right.” Kaia smoothes her skirts, a small smile lifting the corner of her mouth. “I’ll ask the servants to prepare the rooms next to mine.”

I nod and turn to go.

“Thieran. This is a good thing you’re doing. This is the right thing. You won’t regret it.”

I nod before shifting to my study and conjuring a glass of liquor. Throwing it back in one swallow, I hiss as it burns a trail down my throat. I’ve already begun to regret it. But it’s too late now. The only way through this mess is forward.
