Page 37 of Making Her Theirs

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“God, I hope so,” I whisper.

Without a word, I reach around and unclasp my bra. Knox’s eyes flare. Lachlan groans behind me. I look over my shoulder at him with his cock out, slowly stroking, his eyes roaming over my body. I literally sag at the sight of these two gorgeous men loving me with their eyes, their cocks in their hands imagining my greedy hot hands gripping them. Their cocks twitch when I lick my lips. My mouth is already soaked along with the rest of me.

Knox moves at the speed of a stealth bomber. Silver light from a window washes across his fierce features that only intensify when he glares at me. I know that glare. I give him a heated smile.

I can’t wait to have your cock in me.

He blinks.

The trance has been broken.

Knox strokes his length, and I clench my thighs to keep from crying out. God, I want that man filling me. I want Lachlan taking me. I want, I need. Like a beggar. Will I beg?


Will they?

Yes, or my name isn’t Georgia Presley Henry.

“Lachlan’s been hanging, too.”

Lachlan stands beside his older brother. I cock an eyebrow. “Have you?”

Lachlan’s pupils look like they’ve blown. His eyes never leave mine as he continues to stroke himself. A drop of pre-cum is on the velvet head. “You’re all I think about day and night. You are my everything.”

His voice is strangled, and all oxygen leaves my lungs. Knox turns his head and studies his brother for a beat before his intense gaze shifts back to mine.

I kneel before my men and lift my chin. I own them as much as they own me.

Lachlan nudges his brother aside. I hear a grunted chuckle from Knox before I lose myself in Lachlan. His scent, his groan when I take him deep into my throat, then tease him with my tongue, over and over until his thighs shake. My hand grasps Knox’s length and I stroke him. I hear a faint ‘Jaysus,’ before Knox replaces Lachlan. I coax my throat open to accommodate his length. My hand cradles his sack, and I hum. He jerks and thrusts deeper, and I am lost. There are no thoughts in my head. Everything in my body is focused on my aching pussy, and I mean aching. My hand sneaks between my legs to relieve the building pressure. I know with just one swipe I’ll come. God, I need to come.

“Don’t.” Knox pins me with his stare. “You’ll come by one of us only.”

Bossy. I like it. No, I love it.

I clench my thighs together to get some traction to my aching clit. Burying myself in Knox’s musky scent is not helping. Nor is Lachlan staring at me with lust and longing in his eyes as he strokes himself.

Hey, that’s my job.

I reach out, grasp Lachlan’s hard length, and gently tug him toward me. I fist over his smoothness, my eyes tangled with his. His cheeks are flushed. He murmurs “Neach-gaoil,” which I know means beloved, sweetheart. I squirm under the onslaught of emotion for him, for both of them. Knox is now fucking my face, and I moan in pleasure. He groans when I run my tongue along the seam and lick him like a popsicle, even with the slight popping sound at the end. He growls. His possessive stare anchoring me to him. I open my throat, and Knox slides further in.

“Fuck,” he shouts, picking up speed. His face flushes, his stomach tenses. He almost glares at me before he comes down my throat. I take it all, licking the salty liquid from his cock as Lachlan loses his load on my breasts. Both men mark me, and I’ve never felt so empowered. My thighs are slick with my juices. I swear I am a second away from coming. My poor breasts and neglected nipples are needy.

Knox pulls out of my mouth while Lachlan rubs his fingers through his come on my skin. His look is so intense, blue eyes squinting as he concentrates. I make out an L and an M. His initials.

The door slams open. “Hey, Angel.” Finn saunters in, removing his shirt. “Hope you don’t mind but I’m in a hurry, damn customers and all, but I wasn’t going to miss this party.”

He cocks his head, his hand at his fly as he takes in the scene. I still kneel on the floor with both men semi-hard before me.

He nods. “Yeah, Angel. I know what you need.”

He picks me up and sets me on a chair I hadn’t noticed before. I mean, with a testosterone storm fogging the air I could be in a room full of nuns and I wouldn’t notice. Yep, I am officially going to hell.

Finn leans down and kisses me, softly at first, but then it intensifies after only a few seconds. He breaks the kiss, panting. “Angel, you taste like milk and honey.”

I gasp when he grasps my knees and pulls them apart as he sinks to the ground, my legs over his shoulders. “So wet, so fucking beautiful.” His tongue circles my clit as I groan and grab his head and push him closer. I am throbbing.

“Harder,” I moan. “I need to come.”
