Page 34 of Making Her Theirs

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My eyes track to where Georgia is sitting with her friend Darcie, a cute redhead. Actually, she’s drop dead gorgeous, but when standing next to Firecracker she pales in my humble opinion.

“You get uglier every time I see ya.” A hand claps on my shoulder.

I automatically tense, but smile when I stare into crinkling brown eyes.

“Killian. Christ man, if you got any fatter you wouldn’t fit through the door.”

We shake hands. Killian Wallace, along with his business partners Mac and Archie, are old money and loaded. We’ve been doing more and more business with them. Next up we’re going to partner in some pubs and extend into residential housing. Lachlan’s drawn up some preliminary plans we’ll go over later. We’re going high end houses, and low-cost housing for people struggling to get into the housing market.

We size each other up. He’s an inch taller than me, so clocks in at six foot three. Dark hair and dark eyed, he’s rugby player built. Apparently, he’s a hit with the ladies, but I can’t see it.

“Take a seat, man. I’ll get you on your own whiskies, and I’m fucking charging you for it.”

He smiles. Out the corner of my eye I watch a woman walk into a wall.

Yeah, he’s not going home on his own tonight.

I’m taking two glasses of Lochside Mist Reserve from Finn whose eyebrows draw in.

“What’s with Killian?”

Killian is staring toward where Georgia and her friend are laughing. Killian’s rubbing the back of his neck, his face pale.

“He better not be looking at my Angel.” Finn scowls, his hands fists at his sides.

“I’ve got it.” I make my way back to Killian where his eyes are still locked on Georgia.

“Who is that?” He takes the glass and knocks it back in one go, his voice hoarse and not from the whisky.

“Fucking taken.” I glare at him, my internal temperature rising.

He glances at me then tracks my gaze to where I’m staring at Georgia, who as if sensing my stare, gifts me a gorgeous smile.

“Not her. The redhead,” he grits out.

“Her name’s Darcie works with Georgia. A brilliant accountant according to Firecracker.” I study him. His eyes are pinpricks and laser-focused on Darcie. Red has slashed his cheeks. As if sensing his stare the woman in question turns and their eyes lock for a second, before Darcie jolts and turns away, her back now stiff.

“Do you know her?” I ask.

He takes my glass and downs the whisky.

“No, but I’m about to.”

He makes his way toward where Firecracker and Darcie sit. After what looks like a tense conversation, he storms out. After twenty minutes Darcie stands, hugs Georgia and makes her way out the door.

Guess we’ll be looking at the plans another time.

I’m lost in my thoughts and startle when my youngest brother taps me on the shoulder. His eyes track straight to Georgia who smiles when she sees him. It’s raw, open and fucking sunshine. Something hitches in my chest.

“Dance?” He holds out his hand to Georgia who takes it.

I could swallow a dick and it wouldn’t touch the side of my throat, I’m so surprised.

I’d have thought he’d be upstairs with one of his projects or rolling out the plans to Killian in my office. But no, my baby brother is dancing away like there’s a wire up his arse that keeps short-circuiting. Awkward as shit to watch, but the smile plastered on his face and the way Georgia, just as bad, doesn’t care how he dances brings cheer to my heart. She’s laughing, grinning, and occasionally grinding against him, which would typically have Lachlan flying upstairs like a bat out of hell. But not tonight. Not with this intriguing woman.

“She’s good for him.” Finn passes me another whisky, nodding in Lachlan and Georgia’s direction.

I grunt my agreement, not sure what I’m feeling. Some gorgeous blonde slides in next to me, and smiles. Her perfume must be labeled ‘I’m here to fuck’ because there is no mistaking the look on her face or the pheromones dripping from her. Finn chuckles and shakes his head. But my eyes are drawn to Georgia. When the gorgeous blonde lets out a crumpled sigh, I turn to her.
