Page 27 of Making Her Theirs

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“Yes,” she whispers. “God, yes.” She leans forward and kisses me. Pulling me toward her, so I am planted between her legs.

You before me.

I pull back and ignore her as she tries to pull me forward.

My cock hates me. Hates me. It is throbbing and painful, but I ignore it because this is about her. I want to taste her so much my mouth is watering. I am a rabid beast. A man lost in the desert, desperate and dying. She is saving me.

I tease the tank top from her and gorge my eyes on her breasts. Round and perfect. Hard dark nipples. I lean forward and circle one nipple and then the other with my tongue. Sucking each pebble hard.

“Harder,” she moans.

“Yes, ma’am.” I am not one to buck authority. I suck harder and bite down gently.

“Jesus,” she leans back.

“Jesus. Oh, God, oh, God, oh God. Or you’re so huge it’s not going to fit.” I nip her ear. “You can call me all the above.”

She chuckles.

I kiss a path between her breasts, across the smooth expanse of her stomach. Her skin is like silk.

I rub my cock to ease the ache. Her gaze follows mine, and she licks her lips.

Her mouth is parted, and she bites down on her puffy bottom lip.

I kiss each thigh, then part them. “Lean back, Angel.”

She rests back on the bar on her elbows watching me while I gently nip the inside of her smooth thighs. The scent rising off her is addictive. Musky, sweet, with a hint of whisky. Her sweet pussy is wet and glistening. So fucking wet.

“Finn, please, please touch me.”

I’m going to do more than that.

I shoot her a cocky grin then lick her clit.

She bucks into my face, grinding against me, moaning my name.

I sink between her legs, my tongue grazing her clit then circling, once, twice, three times, before I tease the swollen bundle of nerves, over and over. I alternately fuck her with my tongue and stroke her clit. Her back arches off the bar, her legs straighten, and she comes undone around me, her head thrashing side to side and I continue to take her pussy again and again.

“Oh, oh, oh, Jesus,” she gasps.

“Yeah, Angel, I’m here.”

Heat pours out of her. Her legs are a vice around my head as I lap her. My hands on her knees pull her closer. She spasms against my tongue and drenches my face.

I watch her float down. Her red face has now become a gorgeous pink, and her eyes start to clear and lock on mine, my head still buried between her legs, drinking her in.

“I need you,” she says shyly.

“Where, Angel?”

Hopeful. I’m forever hopeful.

She points to where my mouth has just been.

“You need me in your tight little pussy?”

“I’m clean and on birth control,” she gasps.
