Page 20 of Making Her Theirs

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I nod.

“Words, Georgia. I need to hear you say the word and I’ll stop.”

“Got it.” I sound like I’ve been slinging moonshine.

His cock presses in.

My hands fist in Lachlan’s hair, pushing him deeper. My body curls tighter until with one perfect nip to my clit my back arches, and I spasm over his face, my body shaking and jerking, and moaning. Lachlan’s eyes drill into me like a sergeant.

I spiral down from Jupiter.

“I need you both inside me,” I gasp.

Knox gently drops me to the ground. The air crackles like a thundercloud. It’s hard to breathe. Lachlan reaches for my shoulders, keeping me upright. His hand drops away when Knox spins me around to face him and hauls me up his hard, muscular body. Our eyes lock.

I didn’t know we were moving until I land on Lachlan’s bed. He is now gloriously naked and his body covers mine. He’s all runner’s muscle to Knox’s prize-fighter bulk.

Lachlan brushes the damp hair from my face, his eyes searching mine. “Are you okay?”

I nod. This guy. I’m touched by his concern, and the tenderness and fire in his eyes when I nod. He kisses me, and I taste myself on his lips. The kiss starts off tender, his hands cupping my face, then turns into hunger. We’re tongues, lips, and moans. We are devouring each other. I’ve never, ever been kissed like this.

I vaguely wonder why Knox hasn’t kissed me.

We pull apart, panting.

Time for the uncomfortable conversation.

“I’m on birth control, and I’m clean. I haven’t had sex for over a year,” I breathe out, feeling my cheeks heat. Possibly both.

“Same on the sex, and being clean.” Lachlan gently kisses my temple.

“First time raw for me. I am also clean and am always no glove, no love, but I want to feel you, Georgia, and I want you to feel me. I know what you need. Trust me,” Knox says, watching casually, but there’s nothing casual about his gaze burning my skin.

And I do trust him. I trust these men to know what my body wants and needs.

Lachlan rolls me so he’s under me, and I sink onto his delicious length. I groan when his hands cup my breasts as I grind down on him, upping the tempo. A big hand spans my back, pushing me toward Lachlan’s chest until my breasts brush against him. The change in angles is fantastic. He’s deeper, and with each grind of his hips, he grazes my clit.

Knox trails my juices from my pussy to my ass while I half-whimper, half-plead. One finger presses against the tight hole and slips inside. This is way better than Hemmy. Knox pushes another finger inside, and I buck against Lachlan at the fullness. Knox stills, as does Lachlan whose hands are on my hips, halting our movement.

“You okay?” Knox asks, his voice like gravel. He kisses my shoulder. “I’ll stop.”

“I don’t want you to stop,” I gasp.

And I really don’t. These two men bewitch me. Owning me with their bodies, devouring my mind.

“Relax,” Lachlan says. He pushes my hair over my shoulder, then gently pulls my ass cheeks apart before his mouth claims mine again. I’m lost in the sensation of his mouth, his cock filling me and Knox dragging more of my juices with him with his fingers.

Knox then presses his cock in inch by tiny inch with agonizing slowness until I’m at capacity. He stills my hips.

I gasp at the pleasure and sweet, sweet pain. I break the kiss from Lachlan.

Sweet Jesus. Sorry again, Jesus. I thought I’d been filled, but I was wrong. This, this is being filled.

Knox grunts. Lachlan’s eyes glaze over. His hands still on my hips.

Holy shit, I have to ride him, or I’ll explode. Knox thrusts, and we all moan.

“It’s good. So, so good.” I ride Lachlan while Knox rides me. I can’t swallow. I can barely breathe. All I can feel is the crackle of my blood pounding through my veins as I build to another orgasm.
