Page 17 of Making Her Theirs

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The door opens.

No one comes barging in unless it’s one of my brothers, and I know who it is.

Christ. Did I channel him and here he is?

He stalks to the fridge. “What the fuck, Lachlan? Why are you holed up here? It’s not like we own a bar downstairs.” Knox’s back is to me. He pulls out a beer from my fridge. He takes a slug and turns to face me, his face dark. “There’s nothing in your fridge. I’m taking you out to dinner and buying you fucking groceries.”

“You don’t need to buy me groceries. I know where Tesco and Sainsbury’s are. I haven’t had the time.” I let out an irritated breath.

Our usual conversation comes next.

“I care.” He says it in a whisper.

His way of saying he loves me.

“I care too.”

Back at ya, bro.

Silence stretches between us. He’s always the one to break first.

He blows out an exaggerated breath. “Two things. You weren’t at the family meeting tonight, so I’m checking on you.” He scrubs his hand across his face. “How are you?” His penetrating gaze sweeps over me. His eyebrows raise at my jean button undone.

“Good.” I stuff my hands in my back pockets.

I’m not going there with him tonight. What Georgia and I shared was special.



He strolls to the table and picks up a machine part.

“And two, I’ve met the most intriguing woman in my life.”

He looks dazed which puts me on high alert. Knox never looks dazed.

And never by a woman.

“The things she let me and Finn do to her.” The beer is downed, and the empty banged on the table. He digs his hand through his hair.

A sense of dread crawls up my spine.

“The hell of it is I’m not ready to be done with her. I damn well intend to finish what we started.” He snorts. “I can’t get her out of my head.” He paces. “Jesus.”

Doom settles in the pit of my stomach. “Tall American with long black hair, curvy body, silver hoops in her ears and blue nail polish?”

Before Knox can answer, I hear a tiny whimper. My head whips around the same time as Knox’s.

Fuck, he heard it, too.

He stalks toward the bathroom door with me hot on his heels.

Chapter Eleven


Jesus H. Christ. I know that whimper. I had that sound in my mouth while my fingers were buried deep inside her, and I can’t get her out of my fucking head.
