Page 51 of Sit, Stay, Love

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“I have to kiss you now.”

“Yes. Please.”

When he did, it wasn’t enough. Would it ever be? Sure, she’d been kissed before, but this was a whole new roller coaster.

She knew him, but she didn’t. She’d touched and been touched, but she hadn’t. She felt like the most beautiful and most desirable woman on the planet. She felt cherished. These enchanted moments were taking her breath away.

Mary pushed him gently onto his back and stroked the back of her hand down his face from cheekbone to jaw, reveling in the feel of fine sandpaper tantalizing her skin. The muscles of his jaw clenched and relaxed in slow motion, so she had to feel that too. The sleeker skin of his neck beckoned, and the smooth warmth of the touching traveled up her arm.

At his collar, her palm and her fingertips tingled for their turn at exploring this man who was all hers. For now, at least. She slipped her hand inside his shirt. She pressed against him, letting her boneless body feel all of his yielding steel.

Heat poured off him. She could hear his body crying out — I don’t know how much more of this I can take. She was driving him crazy. She knew it. She loved it. Heaven help her, she loved him.

And she was finding out why. He was gentle, patient, and passionate, and he and his body were too glorious for words.

How long could his patience last when he must know they were about to blow their minds to Jupiter and back?

Not a second longer. He erupted up off the bed, ripping his shirt open and sending buttons flying everywhere. His cufflinks stymied him for a moment. Marysuspecteditwasthelastshirtwithkissingcuffs he would ever wear. It was definitely the last one she ever wanted him to wear unless someone invented faster cufflinks.

Once he struggled out of his shirt, he looked even more splendid than he had felt. Now there was a chest she could ogle happily for a month of Sundays and more.

Hestrippedofftherestofhisclothesinablur,sank down next to her and kissed her. She changed her mind.Shedidn’tcarewhethersheeversawhischest again, as long as she could feel it and his pounding heart and all the magnificent rest of him pressing against her.

She was sure of it when he unbuttoned her blouse and slipped his hand inside her bra. When he unhooked it — with the skill of long practice, she figured, darn him anyway — she was sure she would never think again at all.

He nibbled at first, and each teasing touch of his lips sent tendrils of fire through her veins. Then he slowly drew nipple and breast into his mouth and flicked at the tip with a tongue as hard as the insistent thrust of his erection against her abdomen. Her lungs heaved until she thought she’d never get enough air.

He unzipped her jeans and drew them down and off her body, and this time she didn’t care that he did that too with a practiced ease. His past didn’t matter. Neither did hers. Their future didn’t matter. There was only now.

He cupped his palm around her, with a touch of extra pressure at the center of everything her body was feeling. Her hips reached frantically for more heat, more pressure, more pleasure, more, more.

It couldn’t get any hotter than this. But it did. He slipped a finger inside her and touched his thumb to the tiny bud of flesh at the center of her delirium. He firmed the pressure and drew tiny circles.

“Van.I’vegotto—Youhaveto—Please,oh,please — ”

She heard the crinkle of a foil package and knew she had to wait another eternity.

“Easy, baby. Easy. Just another second.”

And it was just another second. And in still one more splinter of time, as he filled her, his teeth closed around her earlobe. She screamed.

Chapter Twenty

The Talk


HAT DO WE DOnow?” she murmured. “I’ve never known quite what to do after.” But she snuggled closer, knowing exactly what she wanted to do in this particular after.

“That’s a good start,” he rumbled, nuzzling her hair. “We luxuriate. We touch and taste some more.” He stroked her back and the curve of her waist down to the swell of her hip, and he kissed the tip of her nose. He caressed her ear, just enough to make her tingle from top to toes.

“And soon, real soon now, we should talk.”

“Oh.” Her voice sounded small, even in her own ears.

“I meant to do that before.”

“Maybe you didn’t because you didn’t really want to. I’ve never heard of a guy who says he wants to talk.”

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