Page 5 of Mistletoe Kisses

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“Hey, sugar.” Jack grinned at me, staring at my striped legs before making a slow path up my body. He stopped at my chest before he looked up to my face. “You make one sexy elf.”

I laughed, feeling embarrassed. Fuck he was so damn sexy.

What the hell do I say in response to that?!



Staring at Faith, I grinned when she ducked her head, hiding her blushing face from me.

Whenever I imagined being with Faith—just me and her—I never imagined she’d be a blusher. I loved it. I couldn’t lie. It made me wonder if she blushed all over. I looked down at her chest, wondering how far down I could make that blush travel if she would let me.

“Stop staring at me like that!” she snapped suddenly, surprising the hell out of me before she stormed past me.

“Like what?” I grinned, loving how much sexier she looked when she was having a tantrum. “I’m just saying you make a sexy elf.” I looked down at her legs, wondering how far up those stockings went.

She blushed at my comment before she spoke.

“I’m sorry,” she muttered. She wrapped her arms around herself and I knew she was probably a little chilly wearing only that outfit. “I’m just tired. My bitchy side comes out when I’m tired.”

“It’s cool.” I shrugged out of my coat and slipped it over her shoulders.

Her eyes moved down to my chest before a small smile appeared on her face.

“Thank you,” she whispered. She slipped her arms into the sleeves, chuckling when they hung down past her hands. “What about you?” she asked. “That jumper doesn’t look very warm.”

“I’m fine.” I shrugged my shoulders, not liking the idea of her worrying about me like that. No one had worried about me like that for a long time and I wasn’t really sure how I felt about it. “I’m not very cold.” I slipped my hands into my jean pockets, loving the way that her eyes followed the actions.

I was enjoying having her eyes on me. More than I thought I’d like.

We walked the rest of the block in silence. She looked lost in her thoughts and I was eager to know what they were. That surprised me a lot because I never gave a fuck what a woman was thinking when I was with her. When I was with a girl, it was just sex. Plain and simple. With her, though . . .

With her, I wanted to know what she was thinking.

“Well, this is me.” She came to a stop and pointed at her building. “Thank you for walking me home, Jack.” She slipped the coat off and held it out to me. “Thank you for lending me your jacket.”

I reached out and grabbed it, freezing when our fingers touched. I loved the spark that shot through me at the action and as I looked at her, I let myself believe that she may have felt it as well.

“Fancy a drink one night?” I smiled down at her, not wanting to laugh at how out of place she looked. Not just in the outfit but with that ridiculous hat on her head.

“Jack.” She sighed before pulling the hat off her head. She must have unconsciously agreed about the hat. “I don’t think we should do that.” She shook her head at me and I hated that she looked so miserable when she said that.

“Why not?” I asked. I grasped my jacket tighter in my hand and let my arm drop to my side.

I don’t think that I had ever had a woman turn me down before.

“Because.” She reached up and tucked a loose strand of hair that had fallen free of her plaits back behind her ear. “I’m not some fuck buddy, Jack.”

I wasn’t prepared for the shot of anger that travelled through me when I imagined her being someone’s fuck buddy. I didn’t like it. She wasn’t going to be anybody’s fuck buddy if I had anything to say about it.

“I know,” I agreed.

She nodded at me and I hated that a shadow of hurt travelled across her face. She turned away from me but before she could get too far, I grabbed her wrist, stopping her from getting too far away from me.

“Come out for a drink with me,” I said, repeating my words. “One date. One chance. I promise I won’t screw it up.” I stared into her eyes, trying to be as honest as I could with her.

She was right when she mentioned fuck buddies. That’s all I knew. I had never been in a relationship and had never had anything longer than a couple of weeks with another woman.
