Page 2 of Mistletoe Kisses

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I hated that my thoughts wandered to Jack. He was so out of my fucking league and it was pathetic how much of a crush I had on him. I still stupidly hoped that he’d come by and see us later, even if it would be to take the piss out of us.

Shaking my head, I washed my hair and after rinsing the suds off my body, I climbed out of the shower. I wrapped a towel around myself and squeezed the excess water out of my hair before disappearing back to my bedroom.

After plaiting my hair and adding a light coating of foundation, I begrudgingly changed into my elf costume and placed the hat on my head, chuckling as the bells jingled.

I stood up to check my reflection in the full-length mirror on the back of my bedroom door, cringing at the sight that greeted me. I had on green boots that were curved upwards at the toes with a large bell on each of them that jingled with every step that I took. Red and white striped stockings covered my legs that led to a green dress that came to just above my knees. The petticoat of the dress was red and hung a couple of centimeters past the hem of the dress with a black belt fitted at the waist. The top part of the dress was fitted with three large green buttons that led to a red collar.

I cocked my head to the side, chuckling when the bell jingled on the red and green elf’s hat that was on top of my head.

I really hoped that Jack didn’t come by now. I was never going to live this down.



Sliding the key into the lock of my apartment door, I was looking forward to a night of doing absolutely fuck all. Pulling drinks all day and serving tables weren’t as glamorous as it was made out to be.

Walking in, I frowned when I saw that Paul was still here. I had expected him to be gone already.

“Hey, man!” I called into the apartment before taking my jacket off and tossing it on the back of the sofa. “I thought you’d be gone by now.”

“I’m just going.” He walked into the lounge with a backpack on his shoulder. “I’m going to change there.”

“Why?” I frowned at him before my eyes trailed to the backpack. “Is the outfit that bad?” I grinned at him, trying to imagine whatever torture she had planned for him.

“No!” he quickly defended. “Maybe . . .” He chuckled before he grabbed his coat. “You going to be here when I finish?” He looked over at me. “Or are you out with one of your fan club?”

I chuckled at his wording. “Nah. Quiet night tonight, man. Tell Emma I said hey.”

“Will do, man.” He gave me a two-fingered salute before he opened the door. “Save me some take-out if you get one!” The door swung shut behind him and I knew that whatever outfit was waiting for him in that bag would be torture.

“Poor fucker,” I muttered to myself.

I walked to my bedroom and after quickly stripping, I climbed into the shower, groaning as the heat from the warm spray hit my body. I could feel the tension slowly begin to ease from my body and as I soaped myself up, my mind went to where it normally did whenever I took a shower.

I closed my eyes, imagining Faith on her knees. The image of her kneeling on the floor of the shower cubicle, sucking me off as the water droplets trailed down over her naked skin was making me hard as fuck. I groaned and took my cock in my hand, squeezing hard before pumping myself. I rested my other hand on the tile, dropping my head as I continued imagining how wet her mouth would feel and how soft her hands would be as she fondled my balls.

Before I could stop myself, I felt my balls began to tighten and seconds later, my orgasm hit me and I was squirting my cum against the tiled wall.

“Ah, fuck.” I dropped my head back against my shoulders, letting the water run down over my chest and wash the evidence away. I was so screwed when it came to that woman and she didn’t even have a fucking clue.

I finished washing up and rinsed my body before climbing out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. I reached up and wiped the condensation off the mirror before grabbing my toothbrush. Looking at my reflection as I brushed my teeth, I realised that I’d need a shave soon. I usually had a scruff but it would slowly turn into a beard in a couple of weeks.

Washing my mouth out, I popped the toothbrush back into the holder next to Paul’s and walked back to my bedroom. I grabbed my phone and took a look at my notifications, cringing when I saw that I had a couple of missed calls from some of the girls I had stored on my phone. I stared at them for a moment, thinking before my thoughts trailed back to my shower fantasy.

Going to my contacts, I moved down to Faith’s number. I had gotten it when Paul had not so subtly slipped it on a piece of paper for me. He had been goading me since to grow a pair and ask her out. I hesitated over the button, nervous to call her but also not wanting to make the first move. Every time that I saw her, I would always attempt to ask her out but each time, my nerves won out and it never happened.

She knew that I was a player and that I only kept girls around to be a fuck buddy but I didn’t have time for relationships. They always looked like such fucking hard work and being tied down to one woman was never something that I was really interested in.

With Faith, though . . .

Fuck, I would be interested in a bit of effort with Faith, though. I’d put in the fucking effort.

She was fucking beautiful. She had long brown hair, pouty lips, pale skin and a body I just want to crush against my own whenever I saw her.

She had no fucking clue how tightly she had me wound and it made me frustrated as fucking hell. She’d drop into the bar every day to pick up her lunch or to meet Emma for a cocktail and she’d always be wearing her sexy fucking office outfits. She had no idea how many times she had starred in my one-handed fantasies.

I think that I had probably fantasized about her in every fucking position that I could imagine.
