Page 10 of Mistletoe Kisses

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I turned to face him and froze when I saw him taking a seat in the big chair. I never thought I’d ever find Santa Claus sexy but watching him sitting there, I suddenly wished I was allowed to sit on his knee.

He turned his head and caught me staring at him. He pulled the beard down while his eyes trailed down over my body.

“Maybe later, elf,” he said, giving me a sexy wink before he fixed the beard back into place.

“I am so fucking screwed,” I muttered to myself, trying my best to ignore the stares from Paul and Emma. “So fucking screwed.”

* * *

Jack’s first shift as Santa went a lot better than I expected. Considering that he hated children—or so he said—I had expected him to panic or stumble or something. He didn’t, though. He just got on with it. He chatted with the kids, asking them if they had been good, what they wanted and if it was super crazy, he’d usually say he’d work on it.

When it came to the last child of the night, I was surprised by the feelings that went through me as I watched him with her. She was so little and had the cutest blonde curls. She was currently telling him about school and how there was this little boy that was always pushing her.

“Maybe he likes you.”

She giggled at his words before she exaggeratedly shook her head.

“Maybe he does.” He tapped his finger on the end of her nose. “Try talking to him next time you see him. See what happens.” He grinned at her before he picked her up and helped her off his lap.

I held the small, wrapped selection box out to her and gave her a little wave before she walked out the door with her daddy. I closed the door after them and smiled over at Emma when I saw her talking to Jack.

She looked so happy right then and I knew that she was just as surprised with Jack tonight as I was. She nodded at him before she walked over to me.

“Thank you, Faith.” She squeezed my hand before she placed the keys in my hand. “Lock up when you’re done?”

I nodded at her, watching as she grabbed her coat and left with Paul. They looked strange together; mostly because he was dressed as an elf and jingling with every step he took and she looked like she had just stepped off a runway.

Turning around, I was surprised that Jack was still here. He was back in his normal clothing and was removing the red coat before folding it and placing it on the chair. His beard was also there but he still had the hat on his head. He walked over to me with his cocky swagger and placed his hands on my hips.

“What are you grinning about?” he asked, looking down at me.

“You.” I reached up and took the hat off his head before tossing it behind him onto the chair where the rest of his uniform was. “You did really well tonight.”

“Yeah?” He leaned down and gave me a quick kiss on my lips before he pulled back. “Better than you thought?”

“Loads better.” I reached up and placed my arms around his shoulders. “So, when are you taking me on this date of ours?”

He looked nervous when I asked that and I secretly loved that I could make him nervous. He had been with his fair share of women and I don’t think he ever got nervous with them. He was a manwhore for a reason.

“Well, as we are both shackled to Christmas duty now,” he started. “I was thinking we could go out for a drink or two after work tomorrow?” He stared down at me, waiting for my response.

“We could.” I grinned up at him, prolonging the torture a little for him. “I could ask Emma if we could finish an hour early. If you wanted to.”

“Think she would?” His hands tensed on my hips and I knew that this moving slow with a girl was probably completely different from his usual speed.

“I think she would if I asked nicely.” I looked into his eyes, loving the way they gazed down into mine. “You saved her ass today so I’m pretty sure she won’t mind.” I trailed my hand up to his neck, stroking my fingers through the curls at the back of his head. “Maybe we can go dancing as well?”

I giggled when he grinned at me and I knew that he wasn’t expecting it.

“I think I can arrange that.” His eyes flicked down to my lips before he stepped away. “Can I walk my little elf home?” he asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded my head before grabbing my coat and slipping it on, smiling when he did the same. “I’d like that.” I quickly locked the workshop up and took his hand and allowed him to pull me into his side.



“What the hell is taking so long?” I muttered to myself. I looked at my watch, groaning when I saw that Faith had been in that bathroom with Emma for way too fucking long. I looked up when the door opened and Emma walked out, followed by Faith.
